Come & study & I'll As Written: Ill make you agent for books
⇉ Handshift:Reuben WhitakerOskaloosa, Iowa, Aug 12 1886
Enclosed Please find $1000Editorial Note: $10.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $326.65 in 2023. ⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Archival Note: A mathematical equation is written here. ⇉ Handshift:Reuben Whitaker for which please send me 5 copies Science and Health Rev Ed per American Express CompanyAs Written:Am Exp Co – I got two some months ago – and sold one, and one [?] Unclear or illegible I use, have worked up quite an interest in the New Gospel of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Christian Science— My wife is taking treatment of Mrs Fenn at OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska, if possible would like to take Lessons from you, if you think I could learn sufficient to be an instrument in the Hands of "God" to bless Humanity, am 50 years of age, yet hope to be able yet to do good to those around me, May "God" be more and more abundantly in you doing his will. with highest regards