Herewith please find letter from M A Pray M D. which explains itself. The third she has written me. My reply to her advises her to send for your booksEditorial Note: Margaret A. Pray wrote to Mary Baker Eddy on December 5 and 9, 1884 (see 703A.83.055 and 703A.83.056). “Science and Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., to read them and then to come on to Chicago and go into the work of the Mental system only. I see her cure if she comes. I was the same.
If I feel to be frank with you, I will not fear that any doubt will be written her as to my ability to guide her aright and thus to divide or frustrate her now ascending hopes.
When you see my #3 and note the new light that has come to me since my last you will be glad. Now I must give it in the true light as you do, as now I see it in its fullest force, and justice leads me to endorse your view. The writings I name must & will speak for themselves, & you are philosophical enough to see them first. I feel something is due Sister Hopkins in this result. I must act in honesty, and not allow any mercenary motives to influence.
You can put the Pray letter in the waste when done.
Wishing you abundant success.