I went to See my Sister Mrs Lancaster, todayAs Written:to day & got her promise As Written: promis to go to see you aloneAs Written:a lone, as I couldn't As Written: couldent arrange my business so I could leave home just now, but think I will be able to come to the next class She is exceedingly anxious to learn ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science & a very apt Scholar As Written: Scolor much more so than I am but She is afraid you won't As Written: wont like her As Written: he on account of the letters that has passed between you so I have persuaded her to go guaranteeing As Written: guaranteing her you would like her & I am certain she will love you. She has a good heart but very sensitive like most of SouthernAs Written:Southeran People. She is the best Student Dr Fluno had & he is very anxious for her to go to you.. She has been a great help to him in his work & am certain you will be proud of her when you know her. I feel very much disappointed that I am not able to go with her. If I see any show at all for me to get off I will come. for I am as anxious as she is to learn. I am trying hard every day to sell my business but find it a slow business but am going to continue to try until I succeed. Hope you will have a good Class & also hope all in the class will think as much of you as I do. I hear from sister Betty Bell very often. She is doing good work I handle a few patients & could have a good many if I could sell out, Will sell at auction soon if I can't As Written: cant sell any other way
I am as ever your Brother in Truth