Accession: 569.59.039
Editorial Title: Janette E. Weller to Mary Baker Eddy, October 21, 1884
Author: Janette E. Weller 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 21, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Janette E. Weller from Littleton, New Hampshire.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Eddy.

I know you are desirous of knowing how and what I am doing, and as I am now pretty fairly established in work. I thought I would write you. My partner in business is perfectly willing to take care of that at present, and allow me to give my attention to ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I presume she will ultimately buy out my share but is not quite ready to do so now. I have experienced quite a struggle since I left you and at one time I felt almost obliged to write you for advice, but after deliberations I concluded I might as well work out my own salvationPhil 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Phil 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. as to trouble you with my personal affairs, and I already see the wisdom of my course. When we meet, - I have much that interests us both to speak with you about. Isn’t it strange that I was the only one in the class who got a brief outline of your life and its vicissitudes, and that probably I am the only one who needed to know that much in your defense. But it is all right, and I have never been tempted to doubt you or the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I am peculiarly situated, and must try to be very judicious in all I do or say, for my husbands business depends largely on the M.D.’s, but if one has to suffer from the other, it must be business before ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science every time. In fact, I don’t As Written: dont care for the business at all, but I do care to have my husband know that his interests are mine. I am sure he never would know it if I gave up what I know is true, for what I know is false, and he must understand me sometime. I have now nine patients, most of them chronic, two of deafness, one of ten years belief. but she is a strong believer in the Truth and I will never give up the cases till it yields to the treatment. I’ve cured several colds at one treatment, and I enjoy quick returns. I shall devote considerable time to study, and after a little, shall invite my friends who are interested to come in once a week and have a little talk on the subject. Many people are waiting to know something of that which we have all longed for, but never expected to find this side the grave. Miss Morse of Miss Bartletts class was here over last Sunday and we had such a good talk. It seemed so good to converse with someoneAs Written:some one who could understand me. She tells me you have another class this month and I’m very glad I wish I could go right through another course. I shall always be very glad to hear from you, but I feel that you ought to know how your students are, and that it is impossible for you to give them merciless M.D’s. I feel very much lifted up in spirit lately, but my old beliefs of fatigue and headache weighed me down surprisingly last week, more than ever before since last April. I was so glad Miss Morse was here; she has a very clear understanding of metaphysics, and I hope we can accomplish something in the way of promoting this Truth; the outlook is very promising in some directions, and so disheartening in others. But I’ve never flinched or wavered only to know I was right and I do know I am to have no other gods before God, TruthEx 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. , Please send me one dozenAs Written:doz. setsAs Written:setts of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., and haven’t I some quarterly dues in arrears? If you will inform me I will send the amountAs Written:amt. with my yearly subscription to the “Journal”

Yours with kind greetings and love.
Mrs. F. A. Robinson.

Your personal attention. I hope to have some cures to report to you soon. I am certainly in earnest in this work, and see no reason why I shall not meet with success. Please accept the love of your devoted student
Mrs. F. A. Robinson

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Eddy.

I know you are desirous of knowing how and what I am doing, and as I am now pretty fairly established in work. I thought I would write you. My partner in business is perfectly willing to take care of that business at present, and allow me to give my attention to ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I presume she will ultimately buy out my share but is not quite ready to do so now. I have experienced quite a struggle since I left you and at one time I felt almost obliged to write you for advice, but after deliberations I concluded I might as well work out my own salvationPhil 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Phil 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. as to trouble you with my personal affairs, and I already see the wisdom of my course. When we meet, - I have much that interests us both to speak with you about. Isn’t it strange that I was the only one in the class who got a brief outline of your life and its vicissitudes, and that probably I am the only one who needed to know that much in your defense. But it is all right, and I have never been tempted to doubt you or the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I am peculiarly situated, and must try to be very judicious in all I do or say, for my husbands business depends largely on the M.D.’s, but if one has to suffer from the other, it must be business before ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science every time. In fact, I dont Corrected: don’t care for the business at all, but I do care to have my husband know that his interests are mine. I am sure he never would know it if I gave up what I know is true, for what I know is false, and he must understand me sometime. I have now nine patients, most of them chronic, two of deafness, one of ten years belief. but she is a strong believer in the Truth and I will never give up the cases till it yields to the treatment. I’ve cured several colds at one treatment, and I enjoy quick returns. I shall devote considerable time to study, and after a little, shall invite my friends who are interested to come in once a week and have a little talk on the subject. Many people are waiting to know something of that which we have all longed for, but never expected to find this side the grave. Miss Morse of Miss Bartletts class was here over last Sunday and we had such a good talk. It seemed so good to converse with some oneCorrected:someone who could understand me. She tells me you have another class this month and I’m very glad I wish I could go right through another course. I shall always be very glad to hear from you, but I feel that you ought to know how your students are, and that it is impossible for you to give them merciless M.D’s. I feel very much lifted up in spirit lately, but my old beliefs of fatigue and headache weighed me down surprisingly last week, more than ever before since last April. I was so glad Miss Morse was here; she has a very clear understanding of metaphysics, and I hope we can accomplish something in the way of promoting this Truth; the outlook is very promising in some directions, and so disheartening in others. But I’ve never flinched or wavered only to know I was right and I do know I am to have no other gods before God, TruthEx 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. , Please send me one doz.Expanded:dozen settsCorrected:sets of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., and haven’t I some quarterly dues in arrears? If you will inform me I will send the amt.Expanded:amount with my yearly subscription to the “Journal”

Yours with kind greetings and love.
Mrs. F. A. Robinson.

Your personal attention. I hope to have some cures to report to you soon. I am certainly in earnest in this work, and see no reason why I shall not meet with success. Please accept the love of your devoted student
Mrs. F. A. Robinson

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Littleton, New Hampshire Christian Science Christian Science Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.