A Mrs. Potter from Brooklyn New YorkAs Written:N.Y. will call at 571. very soon. She is my patient at present but as I saw her last Friday for the first time and she leaves for Boston tomorrow, our time for conversation is quite limited. She is a lady of culture and influence I should judge. and desires to know more about the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science purchase the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. &c. She has heard nothing of this in Brooklyn and I feel that she will do much good if she gets started right. I wish you might see her. but if that is not possible, let someoneAs Written:some one else give her all necessary information. I had such an interesting interview with Mrs. Burpee (who studied with one of Dr. Arens pupils) Poor woman! She had already begun to doubt the truth of what she had been taught. She is so thoroughly good that she hated his theology, so he hated her. but she believes the woman with whom she studied is sincere. I am having a strange experience. but I hope to be able to work it out myself. Please give me an encouraging thought. Yours with love and a sincere desire to help you in this good cause