in reply to your question if we could support a minister would say there are but a few of us and it has been quite a tax on us to build the church we should be very As Written: verry glad to have a minister and would be willing to do all we could to support and help one there is a large field here to work in but very As Written: verry few that are interested in Christian Science but I think if there was a good man to talk and explain As Written: explane this great truth that would lead the people into the sunlight of divine love he would very As Written: verry soon have a good congregation and be well supported for we know that what we give to forward the truth is bread cast upon the water that shall be returnedEccl 11:1 Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. to feed and strengthen us. I would also say if you think I am prepared for the normal class I should like to enter the next one you have and if convenient As Written: conveinant should like to be notified As Written: notefyed two weeks beforehand