Accession: 554.58.002
Editorial Title: Josephine B. Kennedy to Mary Baker Eddy, March 4, 1885
Author: Josephine B. Kennedy 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: March 4, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Josephine B. Kennedy on embossed lined paper from Lowell, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans Mar 7

I am pained indeed; that I have As Written: hove to write this Letter and tell you – after I have As Written: hove taken As Written: token one Lesson I can’t As Written: cant go any farther. I am telling you trulyAs Written:troly: When I came home, I expected my Husbond would have As Written: hove the money and security As Written: Secarity all ready for me to carry down this morning Instead every way As Written: woy was closed for money and I did not come to my home that night until As Written: untill I had done all I thought I could; but was determined to try again todayAs Written:to day and todayAs Written:to day has summed As Written: samed up with no better resultAs Written:resolt. It is I believe the keenest disappointment of my life – I want to explain to you why I was not already prepared

I got disappointed in selling a Horse lot in VermontAs Written:VT, that would have furnished As Written: farnished the means for my StudyingAs Written:Studying. I thank you heartily for your kindness and I am yet determined to studyAs Written:stody - perhapsAs Written:perhopsyour next classEditorial Note: Josephine B. Kennedy was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on April 20, 1885. – Can it be that Mrs Damon is in any way connected with my disappointmentAs Written:disappontmet. Although I have As Written: hove never met her – She and her Pupils are very much opposed to my going to you – Please forgive my many letters and believe me

truthfully As Written: truthfuly your Friend
Mrs A. D. Kennedy
9 – 10th St – Lowell
MassachusettsAs Written:Mass
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered Mar 7

I am pained indeed; that I hove Corrected: have to write this Letter and tell you – after I hove Corrected: have token Corrected: taken one Lesson I cant Corrected: can’t go any farther. I am telling you trolyCorrected:truly: When I came home, I expected my Husbond would hove Corrected: have the money and Secarity Corrected: security all ready for me to carry down this morning Instead every woy Corrected: way was closed for money and I did not come to my home that night untill Corrected: until I had done all I thought I could; but was determined to try again to dayCorrected:today and to dayCorrected:today has samed Corrected: summed up with no better resoltCorrected:result. It is I believe the keenest disappointment of my life – I want to explain to you why I was not already prepared

I got disappointed in selling a Horse lot in VTExpanded:Vermont, that would have farnished Corrected: furnished the means for my StudyingCorrected:Studying. I thank you heartily for your kindness and I am yet determined to stodyCorrected:study - perhopsCorrected:perhapsyour next classEditorial Note: Josephine B. Kennedy was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on April 20, 1885. – Can it be that Mrs Damon is in any way connected with my disappontmetCorrected:disappointment. Although I hove Corrected: have never met her – She and her Pupils are very much opposed to my going to you – Please forgive my many letters and believe me

truthfuly Corrected: truthfully your Friend
Mrs A. D. Kennedy
9 – 10th St – Lowell
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Josephine B. Kennedy was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on April 20, 1885.