I received a peremptory message from Dr. Frye to vacate my room at the college, accompanied by a notification from Mrs. Crosse that my services were no longer necessary on the Journal in view of the lack of funds etc.
I was with my mother in the country and hastened quite a little journey to comply with Dr. Frye’s request as promptly as possible. I wanted to take leave of you but the shortness of time prevented and I have such a way of saying exactly what I do not mean to, or indeed, really think, that I had feared to take leave of you formally.
There is some new matter in type for the Journal and I had arranged a plan of arrangement, not marked, but apropos, to meet the E. A. B. articleEditorial Note: This is probably the article titled “Sensuality” by E. A. B. It appeared in the October 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. and the F. Marion Crawford quotationEditorial Note: This quotation appeared in the October 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal..
Now that I am at home in my own rooms again I shall have the old large leisure and if there is any way I can help you would be glad to do it – not for the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science (though I am one with its precepts) but for yourself – for whom I assure you, that however lax I may have impressed you as to my service for you – Still I gave you more than all the friends or relations I ever had put together ever received.
And so I am yet singularly willing to do – right when naturally I might resent the situation – which in no respect do I –