I have a letter at hand from Mrs. Crosse in which she offers me some patients to start me at the college and sends me the first week’s charge there which she says can be 6 six dollars per weekEditorial Note: $6.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $166.13 in 2017. if I take an upper room
I do not care what kind of a room I have. And I must go to Boston without letting anybody (my relatives I mean) know that I go as editor of a paper without salary. Now dearest I love the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. but would not do it for that one such risk. But for you personally I shall do it. I feel that it is my duty and privilege to stand by you as long as you live.
If I find I cannot earn my way I shall have to go home of course. But stand by you I will as long as I live (by writing for you which seems to be the way you need me most.
Of course if the students cannot As Written: can not raise money to pay me they can help me by their thoughts to heal well and that would mean money in the long run sufficient at least to feed and clothe me.
Mrs. Crosse has loaned me the first week’s expense which I am to pay when I earn more by healing. I shall probably be at the College Monday morning. Should start today As Written: to day but must find a place to put my son for a while