⇉ Handshift:Sarah E. HeywoodUxbridge MassachusettsAs Written:Mass. Sept. 5 1885
I went to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts expressly to meet with you and The Association & was sadly disappointed that I could not see you - I have a few weeks only, to spare As Written: spere at the East, but for my spiritual growth, I wish to spend as much of my time as is possible, in the atmosphere of Christian Science. My work has been gratuitous thus far with the exception of thirty five dollarsEditorial Note: $35.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $922.48 in 2019., but I have succeeded in laying aside sufficient to make it one hundred & fifty dollarsEditorial Note: $150.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $3,953.47 in 2019., which added to the one hundred & fifty dollars I have already paid you, will amount to your stated terms of three hundred DollarsEditorial Note: $300.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7,906.93 in 2019. -
I understand you will soon instruct another class, and as you offer a reduction to students at a distance, would you consider it too great a favor for me to ask, as you to bestow, to allow me to sit as a listener to some of the lectures given to your next class? Please tell me if you consider me presumptions in my desires, but I feel that I have now arrived to that preparatory state in which I can accept, understand & appreciate in a large measure the great & grand truths you offer to the world,- I am afraid my request will seem to you like an invitation to cast more bread upon the water, but feeling hopeful that it may return to you even after many daysEccl 11:1 Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. , I anxiously await your answer -