109 1st St. N.E.
I have delayed answering your letter, trying to see what I couldAs Written:cd do. I have been waiting also to see Col. Smith: I sent for him to call on me, but as he has not come, I concluded not to wait any longer.
I received As Written: recd your historical sketch, yesterday, and am very much obliged for it. I always love toAs Written:t read anything from your Jour
Well, I regret to say, that I have been unable to get any pupils for you, and I don’t see anyway As Written: any way but for you to come and lecture, and then see if that wouldAs Written:wd not bring you pupils. It is so little known here, that I think lectures must precede pupils. I have just heard that Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, the authoress, has gone to Boston to be treated by the Mind Cure.
There are only a few people here that know that I am practicing As Written: practising it. There is one other lady here practicing As Written: practising , but I do not know who she is. I wish so much you wouldAs Written:wd come, and start the ball rolling. I think you might make enough to pay your expenses if you stayed awhile, if you did not immediately, If it is, as you say, and as I believe, God’s work, He will see that you lose nothing by it.
I hope you will decide to come, and soon.
Please give my love to Miss Bartlett, Mrs. Hopkins & kind regards to Mr. Frye & believe me
There is a lady here that is teaching a class, and I am afraid the opposite side will get the field, if you so not come.
Yours –