I am extremely gratified to find that my lecture met with your approval and in accordance with your recommendation I have made arrangements to publish it in pamphlet form. I expect to have them ready by the end of next week. The workmanship is first class; fine paper, clear type with wide margins and thick paper cover. The price will be five dollars per hundred ($5.00Editorial Note: $5.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $162.08 in 2023.). They will retail I think at ten centsEditorial Note: $0.10 in 1886 is the equivalent of $3.24 in 2023. per copy, and seventy-five centsEditorial Note: $0.75 in 1886 is the equivalent of $24.31 in 2023. a dozen. You will see by the enclosed card that I give another lecture in Feb, and much to my surprise, by the request of the association; their lectures have been heretofore strictly physiological; I am glad that they voluntarily place upon their list, an exposition of our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science..
I shall do all in my power to make for it a distinct and recognized place among those things which claim and occupy the attention of the public mind.