Through kindness of Mrs Philbrick we take liberty to enclose a few words to you. Will be brief, In early youth I subscribed to an orthodox church, and resolved to become a minister, but about fifteen years since by intuition, caught As Written: coght hold of the thread that told me that God and his idea were the realities and all thingsAs Written:allthings else was erroneousAs Written:eronius. God is truth, and error As Written: eror the absenceAs Written:absance, and so could not be a minister, because thought I was all alone, so finally become an Homoeopathic M, D, which was followed until this summer As Written: sommer I heard Christian ScienceAs Written:C, S, and read Your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy out of curiosity, but become convinced, have given up my medicine and sold part of my books and instruments and will sell all, And My wife and self will take a course if possible, we have also sold our home in DakotaAs Written:Dak, but could get only a little money down, the rest is in a Mortgage bearing ten 0/0, our means otherwise are very limited and we are strangers in this cityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, one note of the mortgage of $100Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,635.64 in 2019., is due next fall the other one $150Editorial Note: $150.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $3,953.47 in 2019., one year from that time, they are good, There is also another small mortgage of about $77Editorial Note: $77.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,029.45 in 2019. on the house and a part of the ground the house a from cottage 4 rooms, the ground, two and 1/3 lots 50 X 150ft (each) a small barn well et ceteraAs Written:&c, one whole lot 50 X 150 exempt from the small mortgage aforesaid All in Flandran Moody, CO, D, T, the County seat, will you take those as security at the same interest they bear, Until they either pay you, or we, pay you?
My wife has already demonstrated your treatment upon herself, and I have some upon others, We are anxiousAs Written:axious to come to the fountain for instructionsAs Written:instractions, we would climb to the top,
P.S. We have sold at a sacrifice, When does your next term begin,?