Accession: 541.57.002
Editorial Title: Clara M. Wolle to Mary Baker Eddy, October 19, 1886
Author: Clara M. Wolle 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 19, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Clara M. Wolle on embossed lined paper from Logan, Iowa.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

A few days ago- I wrote youEditorial Note: See 541.57.001. making some enquires which I found explainedEditorial Note: See “The Educational System of Christian Science, Mind-Healing” by Mary Baker G. Eddy on pages 158-159 of the October 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal. in the Oct. Journal of C. Science. a few days later, and as yet I have receivedAs Written:rec'd no reply to my letter concluded that you perhaps thought I had found satisfactory answer there.

There is one more inquiry As Written: inquirety I wish to make however and that is this, in regard to Tuition - for first Course at the College- In the Journal of Oct. in speaking of The educational system of Christian Science- the Tuition is quoted at $200.00Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $6,483.02 in 2023. for first Course- in the back part of the Journal in quoting prices - the first course is quoted at $300.00Editorial Note: $300.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $9,724.54 in 2023. will you please inform me if I am mistaken in regard to this - if so what is the price.

I would like to take the course in Nov- will you please inform me if I may make my arrangements to that effect. And if I should be accepted as a pupil can I procure board at the College & at what price? Can bring you referencesAs Written:refferences - in regard to my standing in society if you wish- I had been a teacher in the Primary department of our school – having an assistant– for five years- till within the last year & a half- when I went into the Millinery business now I am so much interested in the good works of Christian Science– that I want to be a successful healer & give up millinery work- for I find my mind is elsewhereAs Written:else where & I feel that there is a greater & better work for me & trust that God will show me the way, And from the talks I have had with your pupils I feel that I shall gain much understanding from you if you will accept me as a pupil, Dear Mrs Eddy will you please write me at your earliest convenience and let me know if you wish me to being referencesAs Written:refferences - also about the board and Tuition, I hope you can receive me at the Nov- term.

Yours in Truth,
Mrs Clara M. Evans
Harrison Co.
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyAccept her for next class with referencesAs Written:refferences tuition As Written: tutition 200 Have that corrected in the Journal
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

A few days ago- I wrote youEditorial Note: See 541.57.001. making some enquires which I found explainedEditorial Note: See “The Educational System of Christian Science, Mind-Healing” by Mary Baker G. Eddy on pages 158-159 of the October 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal. in the Oct. Journal of C. Science.& a few days later, and as yet I have rec'dExpanded:received no reply to my letter concluded that you perhaps thought I had found satisfactory answer there.

There is one more inquirety Corrected: inquiry I wish to make however and that is this, in regard to Tuition - for first Course at the College- In the Journal of Oct. in speaking of The educational system of Christian Science- the Tuition is quoted at $200.00Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $6,483.02 in 2023. for first Course- in the back part of the Journal in quoting prices - the first course is quoted at $300.00Editorial Note: $300.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $9,724.54 in 2023. will you please inform me if I am mistaken in regard to this - if so what is the price.

I would like to take the course in Nov- will you please inform me if I may make my arrangements to that effect. And if I should be accepted as a pup [?] Unclear or illegible il can I procure board at the College & at what price? Can bring you refferencesCorrected:references - in regard to my standing in society if you wish- I had been a teacher in the Primary department of our school – having an assistant– till for five years- till within the last year & a half- when I went into the Millinery business now I am so much interested in the good works of Christian Science– that I want to be a successful healer & give up millinery work- for I find my mind is else whereCorrected:elsewhere & I feel that there is a greater & better work for me & trust that God will show me the way, And from the talks I have had with your pupils I feel that I shall gain much understanding from you if you will accept me as a pupil, Dear Mrs Eddy will you please write me at your earliest convenience and let me know if you wish me to being refferencesCorrected:references - also about the board and Tuition, I hope you can receive me at the Nov- term.

Yours in Truth,
Mrs Clara M. Evans
Harrison Co.
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyAccept her for this next class with refferencesCorrected:references [?] Unclear or illegible  tutition Corrected: tuition 200 Have that corrected in the Journal
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See 541.57.001. See “The Educational System of Christian Science, Mind-Healing” by Mary Baker G. Eddy on pages 158-159 of the October 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal. $200.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $6,483.02 in 2023. $300.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $9,724.54 in 2023.