Accession: 541.57.001
Editorial Title: Clara M. Wolle to Mary Baker Eddy, October 8, 1886
Author: Clara M. Wolle 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 8, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Clara M. Wolle on embossed lined paper from Logan, Iowa.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy,

I have been wanting to write you for several days- but would think, Mrs. Eddy is so very busy I must not yet ask of her time- but I feel prompted- now & cannotAs Written:can not contentedly wait longer for I feel that you will give me time enough to answer my queries As Written: querries and put me right on that which I want to hear from you- it is this. In Aug. I took of Mrs E. B. Fenn. of OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska- the primary course of lectures in Metaphysics- God has done wonderful work for me since that time (a few short weeks) and now I am oh so anxious to know more of God's work & to be better prepared for doing his work. have many calls to teach what I know- & as far as my understanding will permit- of course I talk much with my patientsAs Written:patience & advise them to secure your book Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. but they are not satisfied- they are hungry- as I am- for more truth.

Having been a successful teacher here in the public school for nine yearsAs Written:yrs– I feel that if I had more knowledgeAs Written:knoweledge & was prepared for teaching that I might aid in spreading this work and be of much more use- it seems to me so beautiful, to be able to bring souls to know Christ and I do want to gain all the help I can that I may do a glorious work for Christ.

What I wish to know particularly is when you will have the next class, and will my having taken the primary course here make any difference with the course that I will enter there?

The idea I gain from the Journal is that we must take the collegiate course & the Normal course at the College- then we are prepared As Written: preparred to teach. of course taking the course here & then the two courses there- if we have to go at different times makes the expense very high- but however- I would consider the expense- nothing compared with the knowledge As Written: knoweledge gained- only thatI will have to work & wait a longer time.

Trusting that I have made myself understood will not take more of your time now.

I enclose Postal Note to AmountAs Written:Am't of One DollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $32.42 in 2023.. knowing that your time is valuable- and while I am taking of your time I am taking from someone else.

Hope I may hear from you soon

Yours in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.
Mrs Clara M. Evans.
Logan- Harrision Co.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy,

I have been wanting to write you for several days- but would think, Mrs. Eddy is so very busy I must not yet ask of her time- but I feel prompted- now & can notCorrected:cannot contentedly wait longer for I feel that you will give me time enough to answer my querries Corrected: queries and put me right on that which I want to hear from you- it is this. In Aug. I took of Mrs E. B. Fenn. of OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska- the primary course of lectures in Metaphysics- God has done wonderful work for me since that time (a few short weeks) and now I am oh so anxious to know more of God's work & to be better prepared for doing his work. have many calls to teach what I know- & as far as my understanding will permit- of course I talk much with my patienceCorrected:patients & advise them to secure your book Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. but they are not satisfied- they are hungry- as I am- for more truth.

Having been a successful teacher here in the public school for nine yrsExpanded:years– I feel that if I had more knoweledgeCorrected:knowledge & was prepared for teaching that I might aid in spreading this work and be of much more use- it seems to me so beautiful, to be able to bring souls to know cChrist and I do want to gain all the help I can that I may do a glorious work for Christ.

What I wish to know particularly is when you will have the next class, and will my having taken the primary course here make any difference with the course that I will enter there?

The idea I woul gain from the Journal is that we must take the collegiate course & the Normal course at the College- then we are preparred Corrected: prepared to teach. of course taking the course here & then the two courses there- if we have to go at different times makes the expense very high- but however- I would consider the expense- nothing compared with the knoweledge Corrected: knowledge gained- only thatweI will have to work & wait a longer time.

Trusting that I have made myself understood will not take more of your time now.

I enclose Postal Note to Am'tExpanded:Amount of One DollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $32.42 in 2023.. knowing that your time is valuable- and while I am taking of your time I am taking from someone else.

Hope I may hear from you soon

Yours in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.
Mrs Clara M. Evans.
Logan- Harrision Co.
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Omaha, Nebraska Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $32.42 in 2023. Christian Science