Accession: 530.57.012
Editorial Title: Fannie L. Clark to Mary Baker Eddy, October 20, 1885
Author: Fannie L. Clark 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 20, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Fannie L. Clark on lined paper from Northampton, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

CareAs Written:C of Mrs. M. D. Ward
My dear Mrs. Eddy -

Yours of the 12" inst.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. just received (there must have been some neglect in mailing there in B.Editorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts as As Written: at it was dated outside the 19 instantAs Written:inst.)

In reply I can only say, nothing would give me more pleasure than to take a course of lectures with you - but I certainly have not the means with which to do so.

I have under my care, a little orphan nephew - 11 yearsAs Written:yrs. of age. - he is wholly dependent upon me.

My practice is small - and I have a large list of Charity patients - yet could I once afford to take the lectures with you, and then the normal Course - There are two or three places where I could go and have a class - and in three months time could without a doubt pay my three hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $300.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7,906.93 in 2019. to you. But as you do not take pupils in this way I see no possible chance to become one of yours - for a long time to come - as I know of no one from whom I could borrow the amount.

If the time ever comes when I can afford to - I shall neither wait for friend or foe but shall endeavor to do so.

Yours Sincerely
Fannie L. Clark
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

CExpanded:Care of Mrs. M. D. Ward
My dear Mrs. Eddy -

Yours of the 12" inst.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. just received (there must have been some neglect in mailing there in B.Editorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts at Corrected: as it was dated outside the 19 inst.Expanded:instant)

In reply I can only say, nothing would give me more pleasure than to take a course of lectures with you - but I certainly have not the means with which to do so.

I have under my care, a little orphan nephew - 11 yrs.Expanded:years of age. - he is wholly dependent upon me.

My practice is small - and I have a large list of Charity patients - yet could I once afford to take the lectures with you, and then the normal Course - There are two or three places where I could go and have a class - and in three months time could without a doubt pay my three hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $300.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7,906.93 in 2019. to you. But as you do not take pupils in this way I see no possible chance to become one of yours - for a long time to come - as I know of no one from whom I could borrow the amount.

If the time ever comes when I can afford to - I shall neither wait for friend or foe but shall endeavor to do so.

Yours Sincerely
Fannie L. Clark
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This letter is not extant. Boston, Massachusetts $300.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7,906.93 in 2019.