May 22nd 1886
I feel very anxious to take a course in Obstetrics, as I always liked this Science, and now see the importance of treating it metaphysically As Written: metaphysicaly . I have mentioned it to several, and I think you could have a large class. Miss Beecher told me several weeks ago, that she was now ready for that course.
Will you please remember me, when you have your class, and I shall be on hands.
I do not seem to get along as well as I should like to in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but think it is because I have too much else, that must require my time, that at the present I cannot As Written: can not put off, But I know I will come out all right in time, but I am so impatient,
Please excuse this note, from such a tried one as I,
I remain
Your Student