I have scarcely thought of anything As Written: any thing but how to get at the wisest course with regard to Arens: Mr. S– says, you will get no satisfaction by going to law with such a fool or crazy head. and his advice would be to go right on as though he did not exist for your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy will stand upon its own merits and have so much wider circulation than his, that he cannot harm you in the eyes of the Public, for don't As Written: dont you see whoever reads the two will instantly detect the PlagiarismAs Written:Plagairism, so after talking the thing over with my husband, who looks at everythingAs Written:every thing from a business standpointAs Written:stand point, I don't As Written: dont believe I would soil my fingers with the dirty scamp Of course you will act according to your own judgment, but hard as it is to bear; will it not add instead of diminish the care, anxiety &c. if you can get no satisfaction through a Process of Law. I should like to show As Written: shew you a Pamphlet, written about Mr. Stuart, by his wife's father, the most scurrilous thing you ever read, lies upon lies, and sent through the mail, broadcastAs Written:broad-cast, all through Hyde Park, to those who knew him and strangers but Mr. S – never opened his lips and when friends urged him to do or say something, his only reply was; "It is too mean & contemptible for any honorable man to refute; let it alone and it will die a natural death, and it did. Now my Dear, I have had some Experience in life; have known something of Law (or the Farce, called so;) don't As Written: dont think my sympathies are not strongly with you. but I do feel that he is too low for your name to be associated with him in the Courts. I would not even append to my Book, what your husband has writtenEditorial Note: Asa Gilbert Eddy wrote a foreward to the third edition of Science and Health in which he denounced Edward J. Arens’ plagiarisms of the book., true as it is, but reserve all that for some other time and place don't As Written: dont place within the same covers, with that which is so Sacred. Keep quiet, don't As Written: dont give things to the Public. Work silently and we will work with you: vanquish him that way. for he is daring. at the same time, with the smoothest face and most angelic expression; praising you when he knows it will tell in his favor. I have written this because I felt after due thought it was my duty to do so. He has not one student to rally round him and you have many who love you and would do anythingAs Written:any thing for you