Accession: 506.56.009
Editorial Title: Fannie M. Silsbee to Mary Baker Eddy, December 13, 1883
Author: Fannie M. Silsbee 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 13, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Fannie M. Silsbee on lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Editorial Note: Silsbee tells Mary Baker Eddy of her great desire to go to Boston and be taught Christian Science by Eddy. She has been taught by "Dr. Sherman" (probably Bradford Sherman) and has no fault to find with him, but she says that she will not be satisfied until she can learn from Eddy herself. She wants to make Christian healing her lifework. She asks if Eddy might reduce her fee for class, due to Silsbee's financial condition. Silsbee writes that she is a widow and so is entirely dependent on her work for her living, but she still does charity work to help those less fortunate. She also asks about places where she could find room and board in Boston while taking class, and says she can be prepared to go to Boston as early as the first week in January 1884. She asks that Eddy write to her soon. A notation on the letter says that it was answered on December 17, 1883. (Silsbee studied with Mary Baker Eddy in a class that began on February 25, 1884.)
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