April As Written: Apl . 15. / 84.
I did not feel quite happy when I parted from you last night, because I did not realize until then the force of the statement I made in regard to my “spiritual friend.” I did not do you or myself justice As Written: justic I wrote that part in haste, should not have laid such stress on the thought had I given it more thought. If there is any credit worth having in my earnest desire to gain a high understanding of Spiritual Life, that credit belongs to you, and you shall have it. I will at once change the position of my statement. I took it for granted the sum and substance of my offering would naturally be supposed to be the results of my study with you.
I could have added a much larger quantity of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but feared you might think I was not quite capable of so doing. I will draw more on the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. however.
If you knew, my dear teacher, how devotedly I have studied your wonderful booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures you would never doubt my sincerity As Written: sincerety or good intentions. We all are liable to mistakes sometimesAs Written:some times, and that was what I feared in attempting my new subject!
Trusting that you will feel it is to you alone I owe my spiritual attitude today. I will try and resume my natural feelings. Thanking you again for your As Written: you kind patience, and hoping the day is not far distant when I can in some way return to you some evidence of my appreciation.