for you are very Dear to me — notwithstanding you have almost — Ignored – My Existence —
I understand you have a class now in session, but I was left out againAs Written:a gain - for Some reason which may seem wise to you. but was a bitter disappointment to me. There are several friends & relatives As Written: relativies of mine who are sufferers & who want me to came to you – So I can be sure of understanding this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science So I can treat them & the disappointment to them – was as great as my own of Course I could go nearer home & learn but – there are so many mind curers & mesmerists here about - & I do not believe as they do & will not learn of them. & I shall learn of you - or give it up once & for all– I shall never ask you to take me again. I feel that I have done my "Duty in that line - & when you are willing to take me you will let me know but I guess my name – was not taken down after I did send it in Please tell me if it was or not, & also Please tell me if you will have another class soon" & "if it is at all possible As Written: possable that I may reap any benefit from it if you do" "Surely the Cross I've had to bearMatt 16:24 ¶Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. & will – I first begin studying Christian Science has Seemed at times more than I could Stand up under" Since the latter Part of May, when I first came to you expected to study with you. So great is my faith in you - & your Teaching's also the masterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ who is our first teacher".— that "if a million dollars were offered me - & my choice between the money & studying with you - I should without hesitation - Say - I will Study with Mrs Eddy". of course you dont know me – & whether I really would do that or not — if I should have my choice but I know it is true from the Heart & "he that knoweth all things" – in Secret– knows it is true
I hope you will answer this letter as I have written several & never got any reply to, "how I may wait until Spring – & even then have no more hope - of being received by you - is -too disheartening – for me to think of, & I do Sincerely hope no other - one of your ("would be) Students, have or will have - So much trouble & hope "long defered'Prov 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. – as I have been afflicted with",
& I do hope you will read this letter & answer Soon.
& Please let me know when your new BookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy will be Published for I want one as Soon as out -
Please Excuse this long letter & what ever may not seem good to you in it excuse the mily