Accession: 482.55.026
Editorial Title: Henrietta H. Blanding to Mary Baker Eddy, December 9, 1884
Author: Henrietta H. Blanding 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: December 9, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Henrietta H. Blanding from San Francisco, California.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent paper
Dec 18

I have recently learned, the “Metaphysical Science,” as taught by Mrs. Julia A. Root—& in her bookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind, your name is mentioned as being the head of one of the schools of Mind Cure.

I have read Dr. Evan’s books, also Dr. Aren’s—and I write this, to ask you, if you have a book detailing your own system—& if so, the price of books__etc.

Have you ever seen Mrs. Roots’ bookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind? It was written here, I believe.

I have had ailments, which had tortured me for ten years, which yielded to this system readily, & disappeared entirely—What a new world it opens up to the Mind! I am not entirely well—as I had many troubles, but grow stronger & better every day.

Henrietta Blanding
126 Kearney St
San Francisco
CaliforniaAs Written:Cal.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent paper
Dec 18

I have recently learned, the “Metaphysical Science,” as taught by Mrs. Julia A. Root—& in her bookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind, your name is mentioned as being the head of one of the schools of Mind Cure.

I have read Dr. Evan’s books, also Dr. Aren’s—and I write this, to ask you, if you have a book detailing your own system—& if so, the price of books__etc.

Have you ever seen Mrs. Roots’ bookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind? It was written here, I believe.

I have had ailments, which had tortured me for ten years, which yielded to this system readily, & disappeared entirely—What a new world it opens up to the Mind! I am not entirely well—as I had many troubles, but grow stronger & better every day.

Henrietta Blanding
126 Kearney St
San Francisco
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Healing Power of Mind Healing Power of Mind