Accession: 482.55.018
Editorial Title: Sarah F. Bickford to Mary Baker Eddy, October 25, 1885
Author: Sarah F. Bickford 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 25, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Sarah F. Bickford on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy.

Doubtless ere this you have received a letterEditorial Note: See 342.47.007. from Mrs Dr Brown of this cityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois regarding "Science."Editorial Note: Christian Science

She came to me more than a week since for information, and for treatment, for a belief that she had not been able to conquer with drugs. She is very much interested in the work, also a lady of education & refinement. has studied both schools of medicineEditorial Note: Probably a reference to Allopathy and Homeopathy.. but is not satisfied. feeling many times when she has given them (the drugs) that her faith in God helped the patient as did the work She is a lecturer. and is sought after to lecture. as I have learned since having met her, has traveled quite a good deal in this country and on the Continent.. and is endorsed by the medical fraternity..

She says should she enter in this work they would all array themselves against her. but that would be nothing

She has sifted Spiritualism, and found it nothing. I have spoken of her as she seems to me from the little acquaintance As Written: accquaintince I have

She told me yesterday she had been sent for to go to New YorkAs Written:N.Y and possibly might go this week. and thought the way seemed to be open for her to go on to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts..

The few treatments she has had, and even the first As Written: fist has benefitedAs Written:benefitted her which proves to her, that it is not as some say humbug.

I know you will be interested to know how I am getting along I have thought many times my dear Teacher I would write you then the thought would arise she has so much to do, her time is so occupied I will not trouble her

I am getting along very well now, I can see the truth more clearly than ever before, sometimes in the last 6 months I have almost discouraged seems as though, every obstacle that could be, I have had to overcome. Were it not that when I made up my mind to enter in to this work, that I would succeed were it possible: and by a constant As Written: constent study of the Bible & "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy also our AssociationEditorial Note: This is a reference to the Chicago, Illinois branch of the Christian Scientist Association of Boston, Massachusetts. meetings, which help us all. I have been able overcome the many difficulties which are nothing

The public are getting more and more interested and inquiring into itEditorial Note: Christian Science in comparing this time last year and now we can see how the work his grown, and the interest has increased so much.

I will not take your time by writing longer. but if you have a leisure moment. It would be a great pleasure to hear from you

yours in Truth
and in Love
S. F. Bickford
108 N State st
2ond flat.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs O Eddy.

Doubtless ere this you have received a letterEditorial Note: See 342.47.007. from Mrs Dr Brown of this cityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois regarding "Science."Editorial Note: Christian Science

She came to me more than a week since for information, and for treatment, for a belief that she had not been able to conquer with drugs. She is very much interested in the work, also a lady of education & refinement. has studied both schools of [?] Unclear or illegible  medicineEditorial Note: Probably a reference to Allopathy and Homeopathy.. but is not satisfied. feeling many times when she has given them (the drugs) that her faith in God helped the patient the most as did the work She is a lecturer. and is sought after to lecture. as I have learned since having met her, has traveled quite a good deal in this country and on the Continent.. and is endorsed by the medical fraternity..

She says should she enter in this work they would all array themselves against her. but that would be nothing

She has sifted Spiritualism, and found it nothing. I have spoken of her as she seems to me from the little accquaintince Corrected: acquaintance I have

She told me yesterday she had been sent for to go to N.YExpanded:New York and possibly might go this week. and thought the way seemed to be open for her to go on to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts..

The few treatments she has had, and even the fist Corrected: first has benefittedCorrected:benefited her which proves to her, that it is not as some say humbug.

I know you will be interested to know how I am getting along I have thought many times my dear Teascher I would write you then the thought would arise she has so much to do, her time is so occupied I will not trouble her

I am getting along very well now, I can see the truth more clearly than ever before, sometimes in the last 6 months I have almost discouraged seems as though, every obstacle that could be, I have had to overcome. Were it not that when I made up my mind to enter in to this work, that I would succeed were it possible: but and by a constent Corrected: constant study of the Bible & "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy also our AssociationEditorial Note: This is a reference to the Chicago, Illinois branch of the Christian Scientist Association of Boston, Massachusetts. meetings, which help us all. I have been able overcome the many difficulties which are nothing

The public are getting more and more interested and inquiring into itEditorial Note: Christian Science in comparing this time last year and now we can see how the work his spread, grown, and the interest has increased so much.

I will not take your time by writing longer. but if you have a leisure moment. It would be a great pleasure to hear from you

yours in Truth
and in Love
S. F. Bickford
1808 N State st
2ond flat.
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Chicago, Illinois See 342.47.007. Chicago, Illinois Christian Science Probably a reference to Allopathy and Homeopathy. Boston, Massachusetts Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy This is a reference to the Chicago, Illinois branch of the Christian Scientist Association of Boston, Massachusetts. Christian Science