Accession: 482.55.004
Editorial Title: Charles Bowles and Susan M. Bowles to Mary Baker Eddy, July 30, 1887
Author: Charles Bowles  Susan M. Bowles 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 30, 1887
Manuscript Description: Handwritten on unlined printed stationery of Yellowstone National Park.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madame,

We were suddenly called to go via Portland & what is more were not able to see until now the time of our possible getting off at last from our calls & duties on this Coast.

We are now free to be in Boston in September & hope to avail of your cordial welcome to join your class.

Please write us exact date & any needed details of the Class.

Yours faithfully
Charles & Susan M. BowlesEditorial Note: Charles Bowles and Susan M. Bowles.
Address. Chatauqua New YorkAs Written:N. Y.

P. S.

We are going to meet old friends at the Chatauqua circle during August. We shall pass a day or two first in Chicago & would like much to get a copy of yourAs Written:yr reply to this– at Chicago also; one of the two we shall be sure to get.

Address Chicago simply.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madame,

We were suddenly called to go via Portland & what is more were not able to see until now the time of our possible getting off at last from our calls & duties on this Coast.

We are notnow free to be in Boston in September & hope to avail of your cordial welcome to join your class.

Please write us exact date & any needed details of the Class.

Yours faithfully
Charles & Susan M. BowlesEditorial Note: Charles Bowles and Susan M. Bowles.
Address. Chatauqua N. Y.Expanded:New York

P. S.

We are going to meet old friends at the Chatauqua circle during August. We shall pass a day or two first in Chicago & would like much to get a copy of yrExpanded:your reply to this– at Chicago also; one of the two we shall be sure to get.

Address Chicago simply.

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Mammoth Hot Springs is located in Yellowstone National Park. Charles Bowles and Susan M. Bowles