Accession: 480.55.047
Editorial Title: Samuel J. Avery to Mary Baker Eddy, May 27, 1885
Author: Samuel J. Avery 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 27, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Samuel J. Avery on unlined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Prof. M.B.G. Eddy
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass
Most respected & beloved Teacher

your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was duly received,

I should not have asked for a special dispensation, had I not been told, on their return from Boston last winter, that the Parent ass. had adopted a resolution, or by law, making no person eligible As Written: elligible the membership in our, the Chicago ass.Editorial Note: This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. "except the students of Mrs. Eddy, or the pupils of her students, who have taken the normal course.

In a letter last fall you wrote in regard to taking in members, that some were admitted, "even though their teaching was not quite correct," you further said. "get them into your associationAs Written:ass. and then you can correct their faults"

Soon after I offered the following by law, which was unanimously adopted, viz.

All applications for membership shall be in writing signed by the applicant, and recommended by at least two members, who are in good standing, and shall then be referred to the committeeAs Written:com, on membership, who after due inquiry as to moral character and careful examination as to performing in Christian Science, shall report, and if favorable, a majorities shall elect, this committee is composed of Miss Brown Mrs Noyse and Roger Sherman

Now while I am well aware of my own unworthiness, I am acquainted with a number who are living and practicing, in strict accordance with the requirements of Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S, but who are not allowed the privileges of association with those who might help them to grow "strong in the Lord."Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Principle, 

I trust I may be able to attend you next Normal class, which I learn is to be organized next September, and I think it best that I withdraw from the associationAs Written:ass. until I may be recognized by the members of the C. S. A as a Christian Scientist, Now dear teacher, than whomAs Written:whome, since Christ, none so great has appeared on this Earth,

please accept the sincere love & best wishes of your Faithful Friend and Most Humble Student
Samuel J. Avery

P.S. Mrs Avery joins in love to the Dear teacher

S. J. A.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Prof. M.B.G. Eddy
Boston MassExpanded:Massachusetts
Most respected & beloved Teacher

your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was duly received,

I should not have asked for a special dispensation, had I not been told, on their return from Boston last winter, that the Parent ass. had adopted a resolution, or by law, making no person elligible Corrected: eligible the membership in our, the Chicago ass.Editorial Note: This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. "except the students of Mrs. Eddy, or the pupils of her students, who have taken the normal course.

In a letter last fall you wrote in regard to taking in members, that some were admitted, "even though their teaching was not quite correct," you further said. "get them into your ass.Expanded:association and then you can correct their faults"

Soon after I offered the following by law, which was unanimously adopted, viz.

All applications for membership shall be in writing signed by the applicant, and recommended by at least two members, who are in good standing, and shall then be referred to the comExpanded:committee, on membership, who after due inquiry as to moral character and careful examination as to performing in Christian Science, shall report, and if favorable, a majorities shall elect, this committee is composed of Miss Brown Mrs Noyse and Roger Sherman

Now while I am well aware of my own unworthiness, I am acquainted with a number who are living and practicing, in strict accordance with the requirements of C.SExpanded:Christian Science, but who are not allowed the privileges of association with those who might help them to grow "strong in the Lord."Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Principle, 

I trust I may be able to attend you next Normal class, which I learn is to be organized next September, and I think it best that I withdraw from the ass.Expanded:association until I may be recognized by the members of the C. S. A as a Christian Scientist, Now dear teacher, than whomeCorrected:whom, since Christ, none so great has appeared on this Earth,

please accept the sincere love & best wishes of your Faithful Friend and Most Humble Student
Samuel J. Avery

P.S. Mrs Avery joins in love to the Dear teacher

S. J. A.

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Chicago, Illinois This letter is not extant. This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts.