I feel that I have been, for the last few days, the especial mark for the malicious here in Chicago, & being very Sensitive, I was hardly able to rise above it, but I have gained the victory and now feel, & know that the Machinations of evil can have no power over me.
Enclosed please find card as published in the city papers. Its publication has done good already.
I also enclose letterEditorial Note: See 480.55.031. from the TimesEditorial Note: Chicago Times with excuse, an alleged reason for not publishing it.
We had a beautiful harmonious Meeting of the C.S.A.Editorial Note: This is a reference, not to the Christian Scientist Association of Mary Baker Eddy’s students, but to an association started in Chicago and composed of Eddy’s students and other Christian Scientists living in the greater Chicago area. yesterday, which made us all feel “Strong in the Lord”Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. , Truth.
Many inquirers have requested me to give parlor conversations upon “Christian Science” not with the design of becoming PhysiciansEditorial Note: Practitioners of Christian Science healing, but for the information & light for which they are seeking. We talked of this at our Meeting yesterday, and I believe althoughAs Written:all though it would be right, Sister Brown offering her parlors and adding that she would see that I had an audience, Now I know that those who would listen to me, will get a start in the right direction, and as there are so many who pretend to teach ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, whose Students are obliged to unlearn so much, I have thought perhaps, with your approval, I would consent to such an arrangement.
Please pardon the annoyance my frequent letters must cause you & much oblige