When I wrote you last I was undecided as to whether I could come in Sept. or Oct. About that time a duty presented itself which made me feel that I must wait until Oct. I think now that I can say without a doubt that Oct. will find me with you.
May I ask if there is any special preparation for me? and can I be informed as early as possible the day of the month on which the term commences?
I should like to come a week or so before and secure a boarding place and pay tuition fee. Should I call for you or is there an agent or assistant for this business?
Pardon my inquiries, I do not wish to be obtrusive, but it seems necessary that I should understand about these things.
As the time draws near I feel more and more unprepared, more and more my unfitness, and the importance and sacredness of the step which I am about to take. But I have no regrets even if I have those who would hold me back, for the call I am sure is from God and therefore irresistible.