Accession: 402.51.049
Editorial Title: Albert B. Dorman to Mary Baker Eddy, September 3, 1886
Author: Albert B. Dorman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 3, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Albert B. Dorman on unlined paper from Worcester, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher,

Please consider this.–

Pardon me for taking any of your valuable time now that you are no doubt busy with your class and otherwise, but I am somewhat in trouble with reference to titles of ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists. Have I after the pioneer work, the rough usage, the uphillAs Written:up hill work, here and way into the distant country around here, and now so well known as Dr. Dorman, have I got to give up my title in order to be a member of an organization which I joined long ago now almost three years, now that I am established, having worked hard – sold several hundred dollars' As Written: dollars worth of Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and sent them far and near, and been one to Stand up for My Teacher and Our Association, one who has been the means of sending the largest number of subscribers with two or three exception to our Journal. Have I got to drop my title that is worth so much to me. Have I got to destroy As Written: distroy my notepaperAs Written:note paper, envelopes, billheadsAs Written:bill heads, cards, remove my card from the [?] Unclear or illegible , take my title from the door of my office which has been there for hundreds to see, Shall I remove my sign and take the title from my sign from the outer walls, also from the hallwaysAs Written:hall ways, and in fact shall [?] Unclear or illegible  I do that which I think is a great deal to ask of me and a very trifle to continue in, I care not for the title, but I see that it is going to damage my business very much to comply with such a demand. But I must say if such an association will discharge a brother worker, one who has had everythingAs Written:every thing to fight against and has had some degree of success, demonstrated science to the perfect work, still determined to grow, and one who loves it more than ever, I believe I want to be expelled from that association. It will of course be another Cross which I shall try to carry with the rest. I have been informed by Mrs. W. for the second time, todayAs Written:to day by letter, that no Scientist could use any title but Christian Scientist she had already taken pains to inform me of that at the meeting last WednesdayAs Written:Wednsday. I must here say while it is in order that I hope that you have made great allowances for all news coming through this personality, for there are instances where I know I have been greatly wronged and such an absence of truth seemingly I can't As Written: cant understand it. I know of things which look so much like lies, it fairly stuns me and seems that such a person is not right. Understand me I do not hold any thought against one but feel that you must have been misinformed of me as well as others.

What shall I do? Please my dear Teacher let this be in confidence, and please have confidence in me. Please let this letter be confidential and will you reply when convenient. If I am expelled are you to turn against me also?

Your Affectionate Student
Albert B. Dorman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher,

Please consider this.–

Pardon me for taking any of your valuable time now that you are no doubt busy with your class and otherwise, but I am somewhat in trouble with reference to titles of ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists. Have I after the pioneer work, the rough usage, the up hillCorrected:uphill work, here and way into the distant country around here, and now so well known as Dr. Dorman, have I got to give up my title in order to be a member of an organization which I joined long ago now almost three years, now that I am established, having worked hard – sold several hundred dollars Corrected: dollars' worth of Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and sent them far and near, and been one to Stand up for My Teacher and Our Association, one who has been the means of sending the largest number of subscribers with two or three exception to our Journal. Have I got to drop my title that is worth so much to me. Have I got to distroy Corrected: destroy my note paperCorrected:notepaper, envelopes, bill headsCorrected:billheads, cards, remove my card from the [?] Unclear or illegible , take my title from the door of my office which has been there for hundreds to see, Shall I remove my sign and take the title from [?] Unclear or illegible  my sign from the outer walls, also from the hall waysCorrected:hallways, and in fact shall [?] Unclear or illegible  I do that which I think is a great deal to ask of me and a very trifle to continue in, I care not for the title, but I see that it is going to damage my business very much to comply with such a demand. But I must say if such an association will discharge a brother worker, one who has had every thingCorrected:everything to fight against and has had some degree of success, demonstrated science to the perfect work, still determined to grow, and one who loves it more than ever, I believe I want to be expelled from that association. It will of course be another Cross which I shall try to carry with the rest. I have been informed by Mrs. W. for the second time, to dayCorrected:today by letter, that no Scientist could use any title but Christian Scientist she had already taken pains to inform me of that at the meeting last WednsdayCorrected:Wednesday. I must here say while it is in order that I hope that you have made great allowances for all news coming through this personality, for there are instances where I know I have been greatly wronged and such an absence of truth seemingly I cant Corrected: can't understand it. I know of things which look so much like lies, it fairly stuns me and seems that such a person is not right. Understand me I do not hold any thought against one but feel that you must have been misinformed of me as well as others.

What shall I do? Please my dear Teacher let this be in confidence, and please have confidence in me. Please let this letter be confidential and will you reply when convenient. If I am expelled are you to turn against me also?

Your Affectionate Student
Albert B. Dorman
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Christian Scientists Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy