Both of yoursEditorial Note: These letters are not extant. duly received and your always -Motherly remembrance As Written: rememberance of me I appreciate fully as much as most anyoneAs Written:any one could, although I never freely demonstrate my appreciation only inwardly, and if one can detect that, they will find honesty and, intensity of feeling of love and full appreciation. When I received yours previous to this you wrote that you were going on a vacation so I thought I would not answer until you returned. At that time I was at Point Shirley, Winthrop MassachusettsAs Written:Mass., and your letter was forwarded to me. I was there four weeks. It is a rough homely place, and still beautiful. The point is nearly surrounded by water, the harbor on one side the ocean on the other. Of course I could not enter into its beneficial qualities as I could once, in a Material Way, but did settle down so as to take in the cool breezes, the salt air, the sparkling As Written: splarking of the ocean, and thought it was grand. I wanted to go to a quiet place and in many respects was well pleased. I took my wife and childrenEditorial Note: Grace Dorman and Mabel Dorman with me, and the children just improved every minute. I venture to say that there is no place in the world where you can witness any more beautiful Sunsets than at Point Shirley. In many ways the vacation was a success and we returned home last Friday.
Now in reply to yours of July 31stEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. will say, with reference to titles or any other good and wise move I am as ready for it as anyone and I desire the quiet and refinement becoming a true ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist as much so as any brother or sister, I will endeavor to grow out of the title of Dr. as fast as possible but don't As Written: dont see as I ever can entirely. I am not afraid of arrest for I believe I have enough back of me to sustain me in the good work of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science I think well of the title Christian Scientist and have used it a great deal, but have also used the title of Dr. that the public would know at once what my profession was. I will use my influence in the direction you mention with my students and will in a great measure and as fast as possible establish the title of Christian Scientist more fully. I like the idea of making this distinction from many other mental practitioners and if you remember have wrote you to that effect several times.
Now in answer to yours just received will say, no doubt you know the mortal influence from time to time from various causes that has been exerted in opposition to my success and no doubt when I have been in my great trials and darkness the mortal enemy in its various qualities has had its desired effect. I am constantly trying to remain true to the standard of a Scientist and a real Christian but have had much to contend with during it all. Yes seven days in the week, and much of the time loaded down with trouble. This I know is Unscientific, but could many I wonder do better under the same circumstances and made up just as I am? But if it takes me until I am 50 years in belief I shall try for the right and not for the wrong, and mean to accomplish what I see I can do, if I have to leave Father, Mother, Wife and Children, Sister and brother in order to do itMatt 19:29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. . I see in order for one to ever accomplish the great work he or she has got to be absolutely free from all worldly things in the form of business, or love for the world in a worldly wayI John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. . In short one has got to have his or her freedom. I have seen the wonders of real Christianity and know how to be a real Christian and believe when I can arrive at that, that I shall accomplish the real Christian Work. Then God and the idea of Him would be the only real to me and the good and instantaneous work would follow. I have been there my dear Teacher, or have had just a "peep behind the curtain", and know how to get there again and stay. But I want to do just right by everybody, and wish to take no wrong step, and cannotAs Written:can not work any faster than I can grow out of it, I want to correctly work out the problem set before me to do, and pray that the light of Truth and the power of God – Good shall be given me, to be able to destroy the opposite which seems to be in me, and meet itin all others.
I have seemed to be successful in the past but I can see I have only been in the mud most of the time, I haven't As Written: havn't commenced yet. I can see just enough of the real to know I don't As Written: dont know but little of it, but no doubt see far beyond many who think they have got it all. I have had no one connected with me to assist me but on the contrary much to pull the other way, but it is all a part of the dream and I hope to grow out of it. I shall! I must!! I shall take no notice of any opposite influence, and shall press onward and upward as fast as possible, notwithstanding the struggle, and clouds of darkness which almost daily present themselves. I must thank you again for your kind remembrance As Written: rememberance and hope to hear from you soon again. Hope you will enjoy your vacation.