Yours dated 22Editorial Note: This letter is not extant., received this a.m.
Will take your time with but few lines. I felt that in justice to BrotherAs Written:Bro. Buswell I must write and say that it was some months ago when I first saw his circular – have not seen any lately – no question but what he stopped using them when he told you he would.
Mrs. Eddy it does seem sometimes as if the DevilAs Written:D– himself was in my path before and after me – I take up M and sometimesAs Written:some times it seems to clear me for a while, but if you could know everything that I have had to contend with first and last, you would wonder that I accomplished any cures, or did anything right, and only last night I was reminded by a patient that he was satisfied that I had nearly “raised the dead,” he was knowing of the case I wrote you about, and one quite equal since, and this was accomplished during all this hubbub, perplexity and devilishness. Of course if their works are pointed at anyone they would be at me, for I have never been afraid to let anyone know where I stood and in many instances have made known the Aren’s affair when his name was mentioned to me as a wonderful practitioner. Sometimes I have thought people were sent here purpose to see what I would say, but I don’t As Written: dont really think that is so, but you know that I have been very plain in my newspaper advertising and have always took advantage wherever I could to say a word for our side. The first of my making myself known here, I had callers some of which were Aren’s and StewartsEditorial Note: Possibly Elizabeth G. Stuart students and I poisoned them so they never came afterwards, not once. One of them was a Miss Hurter who seemed to think Kennedy was a good fellow or the like, and I told her I thought him a fraud, which no doubt he has been told of it before now. This Miss Hurter was a Student of Aren’s. If they have worked at all, they no doubt have spent some time with me, and if so they have tried everything that is opposite of Good and pertaining to mortal mind. Oh how plain I can see the two minds, so to speak, the Good and the evil, the Spiritual and material, and at times seems to be so controlled by the lesser. Perhaps I have been mistaken but I have seen the time when it seemed as though I could heal anybody and everybodyAs Written:every body and instantly, and had I not had the beautiful demonstrations in healing – and at times, almost complete absence of Albert – personal sense, I would tumble to the thought that I were mistaken. I have now taken much of your time and will close, and I do pray that never again shall I be the one to cause you any trouble. The two assertions were simply this – one I copied from Bs circular, the other resulting from ignorance, the statement meaning more than I thought it did. I shall be very careful hereafter.