I want to write you another word of encouragement, for I know it does you good to hear of genuine demonstration of Truth. Last Sunday evening about 9.30, I was called as the last resort, to a case, so to speak, of life or death, and that right away, a case where three hours would given the error sufficient time to destroy itself and do its work. Briefly I will state that I never saw such a radical working of Truth, and setting things to right, as was brought about in this case. It was a case that the people would say was real sickness, the doctors were there four and five times a day, all last week, it was truly remarkable, even to me, to see such mighty power brought to bear upon the case, to produce immediate harmony. I had all the neighbors’ As Written: neighbors minds against me, they only looking for the Worst. But God and harmony was and is the real and discord and sickness the unreal. I knew that God's man was not to be seen and there was nothing there but the real and harmonious. The doctors did not know what was the matter. I knew there wasn't As Written: was'nt anything the matter. Now I will close, will say that it was grand. Yesterday morning the patient wanted steak and baked potato As Written: potatoe and she had it.