Accession: 402.51.032
Editorial Title: Albert B. Dorman to Mary Baker Eddy, February 26, 1885
Author: Albert B. Dorman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 26, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Albert B. Dorman on lined paper from Worcester, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans Feb 27.
My dear Teacher

Brother Frye’s letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. received and the suggestion is good in regard to your name, but as it is taken from the paper I had it set up precisely the same, not as I would write it myself but just as it appeared there. If you think there is no harm in making that change it can be done now, for there has only been 500 run and I am expecting to have 10.000 more, providing the ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists order any, if not I shall order What I can use myself and have the form distributed, but all that are run hereafter I will make the change in it, as it ought to be. I am carrying them in my pocket everywhere As Written: every where I go and leave two or three with patients, friends, businessmen As Written: business men and others. There had ought to be thousands of these circulars and others put out in every city where ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists and other healers are. In large lots they can be got for 10.00 for 10.000. If every Scientist would put out a few M.Editorial Note: M. seems to be an abbreviation for 1,000 copies. it would do a good deal towards letting the people know what is right.

There was stories circulated while I was away in Boston, that I had left the city entirely, that I had gone away for two weeks, and another that I had suspended my afternoon hours all together, the afternoon being the time I do the most. If they keep on in this way, I will let them hear from me more than they have yet. I could wake them up here in ten days so that there would be talk about Mental healers that would be somewhat amusing to experience.

I will now close, all the circulars that are run of hereafter will be as they should be. I can very easily change it. Let me hear from you when convenient.

Your AffectionateAs Written:Affect. Student
Albert B. D.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered Feb 27.
My dear Teacher

Brother Frye’s letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. received and the suggestion is good in regard to your name, but as it is taken from the paper I had it set up precisely the same, not as I would write it myself but just as it appeared there. If you think there is no harm in making that change it can be done now, for there has only been 500 run and I am expecting to have 10.000 more, providing the ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists order any, if not I shall order What I can use myself and have the form distributed, but all that are run hereafter I will make the change in it, as it ought to be. I am carrying them in my pocket every where Corrected: everywhere I go and leave two or three with patients, friends, business men Corrected: businessmen and others. There had ought to be thousands of these circulars and others put out in every city where ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists and other healers are. In large lots they can be got for 10.00 for 10.000. If every Scientist would put out a few M.Editorial Note: M. seems to be an abbreviation for 1,000 copies. it would do a good deal towards letting the people know what is right.

There was stories circulated while I was away in Boston, that I had left the city entirely, that I had gone away for two weeks, and another that I had suspended my afternoon hours all together, the afternoon being the time I do the most. If they keep on in this way, I will let them hear from me more than they have yet. I could wake them up here in ten days so that there would be [?] Unclear or illegible  talk about Mental healers that would be somewhat amusing to experience.

I will now close, all the circulars that are run of hereafter will be as they should be. I can very easily change it. Let me hear from you when convenient.

Your Affect.Expanded:Affectionate Student
Albert B. D.
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This letter is not extant. Christian Scientists Christian Scientists M. seems to be an abbreviation for 1,000 copies.