⇉ Handshift:Albert B. DormanWorcester, MassachusettsAs Written:Mass., 11/8 – 84.
I very much regret that my Wife could not of taken advantage of your very valuable and thoughtful offer But she did not see what she could do with the childrenEditorial Note: Mabel Dorman and Grace Dorman and I am very busy. But it is positively necessary for my success, and I am determined if possible to get her to study yet. She has not the interest that I wish she had but she would be so much help for me, in keeping me in the right track, the “straight and narrow way.”Matt 7:13 ¶Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
I must ask you to do for me again. Will you write me and send a few thoughts to brighten me up? I am not out of my spell yet, and it does seem as though I need assistance, and you know my condition better than all else.
My belief is, lack of Spirit, strength, interest, &c. Too much in the dream with my patients, &c. I have had no beautiful thoughts in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science lately, and why is it to be I cannotAs Written:can not tell, but I have a number of very important cases on my hands and my patronage is largely among the higher or wealthy class of people. Those who need the assistance at once don'tAs Written:dont seem to receive it, and it is all owing to my condition and nothing else This is not the letter I wish to write and hope I never will again one of this kind
Don'tAs Written:Dont never fear to do me justice again when you know I need it, for never would I take offence. It looks as though many things have happened to be, to completely run me down, and I must get out, to pull my poor patients out. I must say Help me, that I may help myselfAs Written:my self. I will do all I can, hoping that my next will be a letter that will give you better news. Write me Mrs. Eddy and send me the thoughts necessary, and I will do for you in every instance I can.
Your AffectionateAs Written:Affect Student