Accession: 402.51.018
Editorial Title: Albert B. Dorman to Mary Baker Eddy, October 6, 1884
Author: Albert B. Dorman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 6, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Albert B. Dorman on his printed stationery, from Worcester, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My very dear Teacher

How very wonderful it seems when you can see the Intelligence in so much and your very Welcome litterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. one of those instances. If you remember I told you at one time after the class the first of my being there, that I had, had the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science all given to me one night before I had ever studied or had even seen your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.. I had it shown to me plainer than any mortal could possibly explain, for I have never been able to explain it myself As Written: my self for all I saw it. Now very lately I have been developing I verily believe into an instantaneously healer, I have had it all given to me just the same as I had the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in the first place. How to do in every respect, business and otherwise I have been in the condition within a few days to heal instantaneously, but I have some Worldly things connected With me that at times pulls me back, and for several days I have had just one of those times, With a return of my beliefs, and With no ambition to treat myself for it. So it seems that you felt the need of Writing to me. I have lost nothing only time by this set back, but I am satisfied if it were possible to retire from all the World and give my life up to this that, I could heal instantaneously without As Written: with out any difficulty, but I trust in Him to guide me right, and show me the Way. I am going to demonstrate the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science very close to perfection before long, and I ask God to make all my surroundings in harmony with my work and desire I thank you many, many times for your kind remembrances and hope that you Will Write often, and know that when necessary the Spirit Will move you to do so. I have done some very beautiful Work lately. I healed one lady of Heart Disease, kidney complaint and Female weakness of very stubborn nature of 17 years standing in 2 treatments about 20 minutes time all told. I healed her little boy 9 years old of fits and never saw him. I simply told the mother that he would never have any more, and he never has. He has had them ever since he was born. I made that expression to her immediately after she told this case to me, taking no thought about it. It Was from the Divine As Written: Devine . The case Was a very serious one the boy had 3 fits the night before, that lasted All night. Had 4 days of it the week before frothing at the mouth and tearing the bed clothes, going from one fit into another. I had one gentleman tell me a few days ago, that I had done more for him than all the Drs. and medicine in 26 years, &c.

I am satisfied that I have the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science shown to me often from the Divine power, and hundreds of years ahead of now, the Writings of Which, if put upon paper could not be understood by people of this date. How much I am to do I heave wholly to God.

From your ever AffectionateAs Written:Affect. Student
Albert Barnes Dorman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My very dear Teacher

How very wonderful it seems when you can see the Intelligence in so much and your very Welcome litterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. one of those instances. If you remember I told you at one time after the class the first of my being there, that I had, had the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science all given to me one night before I had ever studied or had even seen your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.. I had [?] Unclear or illegible  it shown to me plainer than any mortal could possibly explain, for I have never been able to explain it my self Corrected: myself for all I saw it. Now very lately I have been developing I verily believe into an instantaneously healer, I have had it all given to me just the same as I had the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in the first place. How to do in every respect, business and otherwise I have been in the condition within a few days to heal instantaneously, but I have some Worldly things connected With me that at times pulls me back, and for several days I have had just one of those times, With a return of my beliefs, and With no ambition to treat myself for it. So it seems that you felt the need of Writing to me. I have lost nothing only time by this set back, but I am satisfied if it were possible to retire from all the World and give my life up to this that, I could heal instantaneously with out Corrected: without any difficulty, but I trust in Him to guide me right, and show me the Way. I am going to demonstrate the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science very close to perfection before long, and I ask God to make all my surroundings in harmony with my work and desire I thank you many, many times for your kind remembrances and hope that you Will Write often, and know that when necessary the Spirit Will move you to do so. I have done some very beautiful Work lately. I healed one lady of Heart Disease, kidney complaint and Female weakness of very stubborn nature of 17 years standing in 2 treatments about 20 minutes time all told. I healed her little boy 9 years old of fits and never saw him. I simply told the mother that he would never have any more, and he never has. He has had them ever since he was born. I made that expression to her immediately after she told this case to me, taking no thought about it. It Was from the Devine Corrected: Divine . The case Was a very serious one the boy had 3 fits the night before, that lasted All night. Had 4 days of it the week before frothing at the mouth and tearing the bed clothes, going from one fit into another. I had one gentleman tell me a few days ago, that I had done more for him than all the Drs. and medicine in 26 years, &c.

I am satisfied that I have the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science shown to me often from the Divine power, and hundreds of years ahead of now, the Writings of Which, if put upon paper could not be understood by people of this date. How much I am to do I heave wholly to God.

From your ever Affect.Expanded:Affectionate Student
Albert Barnes Dorman
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This letter is not extant. Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science Christian Science Christian Science