I hasten to reply to your letterEditorial Note: See V00829., for I thought I gave due credit to that which I used from S. & H.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. It was a mistake not to use the quotations, but you will notice that I credit them at the head of the column, in the next column I also give your name as Author, and also advertise the bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. on the back of the circular. Advertising the book these “little-big-bits” of Truth would give the people something of an idea what the book was or is. I put out 10.000 of these book circulars. I took the same thought that you have in regard to others doing the same thing, and so copy righted the circular, that is why I did so. I did not want others to take any liberties from your work through my circular. You will of course notice on the front of the circular that I give all credit to the College. I am very glad for you to notify me if I am giving anyoneAs Written:any one the opportunity of taking any advantage of you, for you have not got a student that has tried harder to defend you from wrong statements, than I have. I feel a great interest in seeing the College, Church, Association and Paper go on, and grow, as it is. And I do hate to hear a word that mars it in any way. I know very well your position, and it is not strange that you have lost confidence in about everyone, until you learn them, only by time. I hope you have simply notified me that I am not doing right, and not that you think wrong of me, for my intentions are the best toward you Mrs. Eddy more so than you very likely think, I will here often use the marks of quotation, and also ask your permission, and I will say, at head of circular, from “Science and Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. by permission of Author. I of course used the quotations as much to advertise the book as for any purpose. I was anxious for the public to read the books and set them to thinking and talking. If you think best for me to use any of the expressions of Truth from the book giving you all credit in a correct way, I should be pleased to do so only by your permission. If not, I will not do so again. I want to see you in regard to something else at some future time, which I believe will be for the interest of all of us.
Please let me hear from you in regard to this at anytimeAs Written:any time that you may find time to write me.