Accession: 388.50.002
Editorial Title: Alzire A. Chevaillier to Mary Baker Eddy, April 7, 1885
Author: Alzire A. Chevaillier 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 7, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Alzire A. Chevaillier on printed stationery from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. just received would "dishearten" me too, but that I think I can very quickly dissipate from your mind any doubts which clumsiness of expression in my previous letter may have caused in you, as to my honest desire to do all in my power, as I have the power, (& as you may always feel free to indicate,) to help my dear teacher, I keenly appreciate being taught by you & your ready willingness to wait for the pecuniary first fruits of my demonstration for your payment. And I think did you know how loyally I uphold you, you could not feel I questioned the great worth of this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science as affording the largest humanitarian work - Starting with Cause where I have worked upon Effect. This last is merely "beating the air".

It would be a wrong to my mother, which you would be the first to condemn, if I went to you for three months & abandoned her. I never contemplated that.

I shall surely look at myself very earnestly to find any seed of selfishness toward you, for whom I owe gratitude. If any is there, I will by God's help, destroy it. If not, I must find other causes for anything wrong in me, & eradicate them.

One thing at least I have been faithful when personally tried by a belief of which both Papa & Grandmamma died - pneumonia & which I had, even to death's door, last year. I have just had every symptom of the first phases of this belief. & not even my Clergyman (who called yesterday very much to my surprise & almost dismay because I was absent Easter Day. & who told me God made the medicines & it was my Duty to take them, & that I owed it to my mother to take them,) could induce me to falter for a moment. I told him not the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but myself, was at fault & I hoped yet to show this by my life and works.

I will try very hard, dear Mrs Eddy, to find out what it is that is wrong in me, to root it out at whatever cost, until I am absolutely empty, & ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit, & thus declare the God who is power & Love, to mankind, Freely call upon me if I can do anything to lighten your burdens. & pardon this note which I feel hardly equal to write, & believe me,

Yours affectionately,
A. A. Chevaillier
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. just received would "dishearten" me too, but that I think I can very quickly dissipate from your mind any doubts which clumsiness of expression in my previous letter may have caused in you, as to my honest desire to do all in my power, as I have the power, (& as you may always feel free to indicate,) to help my dear teacher, I keenly appreciate being taught by you & your ready willingness to wait for the pecuniary first fruits of my demonstration for your payment. And I think did you know how loyally I uphold you, you could not feel I questioned the great worth of this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science as affording the largest humanitarian work - Starting with Cause where I have worked upon Effect. This last is merely "beating the air".

It would be a wrong to my mother, which you would be the first to condemn, if I went to you for three months & abandoned her. I never contemplated that.

I shall surely look at myself very earnestly to find any seed of selfishness toward you, for whom I owe gratitude. If any is there, I will by God's help, destroy it. If not, I must find other causes for anything wrong in me, & eradicate them.

One thing at least I have been faithful when personally tried by a belief of which both Papa & Grandmamma died - pneumonia & which I had, even to death's door, last year. I have just had every symptom of the first phases of this belief. & not even my Clergyman (who called yesterday very much to my surprise & almost dismay because I was absent Easter Day. & who told me God made the medicines & it was my Duty to take them, & that I owed it to my mother to take them,) could induce me to falter for a moment. I told him not the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but myself, was at fault & I hoped yet to show this by my life and works.

I will try very hard, dear Mrs Eddy, to find out what it is that is wrong in me, to root it out at whatever cost, until I am absolutely empty, & ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit, & thus declare the God who is power & Love, to mankind, Freely call upon me if I can do anything to lighten your burdens. & pardon this note which I feel hardly equal to write, & believe me,

Yours affectionately,
A. A. Chevaillier
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