Your letterEditorial Note: See L02073 – which, with all you write – I prize so much was received just before leaving Titusville. I also received the letterEditorial Note: See L02072 you inquired As Written: enquired about written in September.
I cannot write but very few words now as am about to take the Train.
A few days will decide how successful I will as in arranging my business matters – I have given up all business, having yesterday concluded a negotiation so that I can now say I am free. But the only thing is to get sufficient funds to push the paper which is to represent the best and most glorious causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. – the cause which a Christ taught and Demonstrated.
Let us work on and be patient.
I will write you again in a day or two.
God bless you Dearly beloved – God bless you -