Your noteEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was just handed me, and when I read the words written by your own dear hand I "danced before the Lord."II Sam 6:14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.
You cannot imagine how hungry I am for a sight of your dear face and a sound of the voice that always led me "up higher" and I hope the leadings will soon be homeward for a little time.
My students in LockportEditorial Note: Lockport, New York all doing good work. a patient of one student has just had - without one pain – a "belief of a fourteen poundAs Written:lb baby," although the doctors and friends held fearful fears for her,
I have parlor talks every Mon P M- and they are well attended, at first I thought I could not do it, but I knew you would say it was part of my work. so I tried and now I can speak without fear- for I feel as though I had something so good to tell I could not keep it to myself- and they do thank and love you for sending them the "good news"- one lady said- "only think of the dear good woman going away - alone - for three years - to give us this Truth" – they do so truly appreciate all you are doing for the world.
I hope to receive the Feb number of the Journal- tomorrowAs Written:t-morrow- for the students have often wished there could be a Students C. S. A, and now that very thing seems at the door for them, I expect- to return to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts sometime this week- unless As Written: unles I find - in the Journal - orders for more work than I can do this week. if I do- I shall stay until it is done, And now I want to thank you for all your love and care- the last month I have seemed to understand it so much better. and my daily prayer is that in the "last day" I may be found faithful