Accession: 370.49.002
Editorial Title: Katharine C. Betts to Mary Baker Eddy, March 31, 1886
Author: Katharine C. Betts 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 31, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Katharine C. Betts on lined paper from Pass Christian, Mississippi.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. has deeply moved me. I can scarcely tell you the feeling I have had toward you, ever since I came into this Truth, and how one who has learned as I have to say nothing of those who have learned at your feet can wound or hurt you is to me inexplicable. But they reviled HimEditorial Note: Jesus Christ also.

In contemplating your wrongs and sufferings tears fill my eyes. and sorrow my heart. I could never, in my life, read the account of the life and death of Jesus, the Christ, without weeping afresh, and you will understand me when I say that a feeling like that fills my soul now, and has burned within me since ever I first learned of the existence of such opposition as you have to meet. I had been called into this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in a wonderful way. I had read Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I longed to go to you to learn, but could not. and, step by step, I was led to Mr. Sherman of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois– your faithful and devoted pupil. and O, what light came in where erst the darkness was! They told me first, of your trials. It is not for me to try to comfort and cheer you who know the way of peace and joy so well, but you have had one who has been devotedly studying your words one whose mourning you have turned into joy of whom you did not know a few weeks since, and how many, many more there are. What are the few who are false to the many who are true. It is a constant surprise to me, as I read the current literature of the day, the way this Truth has and is, permeating everything even the public prints. How glad I am a woman was the chosen of God. Did you see E. E. Hollis's As Written: Holis definition of miracle. "It is the subjugation of matter by the spirit." and, he says, "The more we know Him the more infinite strength we shall have for life."– This to you, dear Mrs Eddy, is no new thought as you evolved it long ago. but it does me good to see such as he recognize and teach your words. O, do not heed the envious malicious, maligners and false teachers- You shall not wait "three hundred years," for the ages to come will march on as none that have gone before. And hearts shall throb, and eyes shall weep grateful tears at thought of your labors and sacrifices ere yet another generation comes and goes; but only time can bring the full fruition – when you shall stand out as the greatest benefactor of this century. Yes - many centuries As for me, I am growing daily. I think my isolation for these long months on this lonely seacoast has been more conducive to growth than intercourse with any Christian Scientist other than yourself would have been, I have been alone with the Infinite, [*]Gap: words.Reason: page rip. Without being able to tell why I do not feel ready to heal. I feel that there is an enduement As Written: enduemet of power I yet need. How or whence it shall come I know not. Members of my class began practice at once, but somewayAs Written:some way I am so awed with the majesty and glory of the Truth that I can only stand, with bowed head, and listen for what the Spirit shall reveal to me. That I shall work when He is ready I have no doubt. Your letter blessed me, and I thank you.

With love and gratitude I am Yours.
Katharine C- Betts-
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. has deeply moved me. I can scarcely tell you mthe feeling I have had toward you, ever since I came into this Truth, and how one who has learned as I have to say nothing of those who have learned at your feet can wound or hurt you is to me inexplicable. But they reviled HimEditorial Note: Jesus Christ also.

In contemplating your wrongs and sufferings tears fill my eyes. and sorrow my heart. I could never, in my life, read the account of the life and death of Jesus, the Christ, without weeping afresh, and you will understand me when I say that a feeling like that fills my soul now, and has burned within [?] Unclear or illegible  me since ever I first learned of the existence of such opposition as you have to meet. I had been called into this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in a wonderful way. I had read Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I longed to go to you to learn, but could not. and, step by step, I was led to Mr. Sherman of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois– your faithful and devoted pupil. and O, what light came in where erst the darkness was! They told me first, of your trials. It is not for me to try to comfort and cheer you who know the way of peace and joy so well, but you have had one who has been devotedly studying your words one whose mourning you have turned into joy of whom you did not know a few weeks since, and how many, many more there are. What are the few who are false to the many who are true. It is a constant surprise to me, as I read the current literature of the day, the way this Truth has and is, permeating everything even the public prints. How glad I am a woman was the chosen of God. Did you see E. E. Holis Corrected: Hollis's definition of miracle. "It is the subjugation of matter by the spirit." and, he says, "The more we know Him the more infinite strength we shall have for life."– This to you, dear Mrs Eddy, is no new thought as you evolved it long ago. but it does me good to see such as he recognize and teach your words. O, do not heed the envious malicious, maligners and false teachers- You shall not wait "three hundred years," for the ages to come [?] Unclear or illegible  will march on as none that have gone before. And hearts shall throb, and eyes shall weep grateful tears at thought of your labors and sacrifices ere yet another generation comes and goes; but only time can bring the full fruition – when you shall stand out as the greatest benefactor of this century. Yes - many centuries As for me, I am growing daily. I think my isolation for these long months on this lonely seacoast has been more conducive to growth than intercourse with any Christian Scientist other than yourself cwould have been, I have been alone with the Infinite, [*]Gap: words.Reason: page rip. Without being able to tell why I do not feel ready to heal. I feel that there is an enduemet Corrected: enduement of power I yet need. How or whence it shall come I know not. Members of my class began practice at once, but some wayCorrected:someway I am so awed with the majesty and glory of the Truth that I can only stand, with bowed head, and listen for what the Spirit shall reveal to me. That I shall work when He is ready I have no doubt. Your letter blessed me, and I thank you.

With love and gratitude I am Yours.
Katharine C- Betts-
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This letter is not extant. Jesus Christ Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Chicago, Illinois