Brooklyn New YorkAs Written:N. Y.
I am in receipt of a letter from Dr. Frye, concerning the College building, written under Your direction.
To say that I was surprised when I heard of the closing of the College is a mild statement. I was simply astounded, I supposed the College like the gate to Heaven would always be ajar. I do not presume to dictate to your judgement, but I am exceedingly sorry such a course was deemed best.
The West, and in fact the whole country is dazed at the apparent sudden termination of the original source of C. S. teaching. The first exclamation is "An enemy hath done this."Matt 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? I cannot think you have done this of your own free choice, yetI bow before her whose right it is to reign.
You have asked me my advice concerning the college building hence I can but express my convictions. There are but two alternatives: either sublet the college for the unexpired term of lease (1 1/2 years) or reopen the college.
If you would not consider it presumptive or egotistical I would gladly come to Boston during class terms and teach the classes I feel that I could acceptably As Written: acceplably impart to students C.S. as you have taught it to me. If this proposition meets your approval As Written: aproval I will teach your classes on any terms you may fix. Rather than have the college close I would come for my expenses turning over to Drs Frye or Foster the Tuitions
I am now teaching my fourteenth class and have another in contemplation for next week. In my Western class which I have just closed I had the following gentlemen among others as pupils Hon. Geo. W. Schee. Ex. rep. to Congress N. W. Iowa. Mr. H. C. Lane. Pres. Sheldon. Savings Bank. C. S. McLaurg Prest. First National Bank same placeAs Written:plase. Prof Wilson, of Sheldon, and others of lesser magnitude. I delivered five public lectures- Two in Sheldon, One in Sioux As Written: Souix City. One in Sanborn Iowa, and stood upon the platform from 2, to 2 1/2 hours and was catechized As Written: catechised by Doctors, Lawyers Ministers, and Laymen. Audience varied from 200 to 400-
I do not allude to this in a braggadocio manner, and would never have related it had you not asked my advice concerning the college. It may seem presumptuous but such is not my motive, Neither is it to become installed in the college. I have enough to do here but will assume the extra responsibility to aid you if you deem it advisable As Written: advisible I have sat in five of your classes, and portions of others viz. two Primary, two Normal, and one Obstetric, and with Gods help I feel that I am capable of imparting to others the Science of Christ in an acceptable manner.
Tuitions could be reduced from 300.00Editorial Note: $300 in 1889 is equivalent to $9,543.12 in 2022. to 200.00Editorial Note: $200 in 1889 is equivalent to $6,362.08 in 2022. or $150.00Editorial Note: $150 in 1889 is equivalent to $4,771.56 in 2022. and privileges and degrees of College Charter endorsed upon graduates. This would reestablish confidence in the community. and not injure the cause, as the closing of the college will, and also give you a perpetual income. I will take the college if you think best on any terms agreeable to you If students after graduating from any course are not satisfied with their instruction I will willingly refund tuition amount from my allowance. also I will assume again the rent of College.
If you think my dear teacher that this letter savors of egotism please destroy it and think of me as of old.
I could still attend to my clerical As Written: clericle duties in Brooklyn- living here and going to Boston, during class term. Am only 6 hours from Boston and can make it in one night.