Accession: 361.48.021
Editorial Title: John M. C. Murphy to Mary Baker Eddy, November 10, 1884
Author: John M. C. Murphy 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 10, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by J. M. C. Murphy on lined paper from East Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Pardon me if I intrude on your time for a moment. I have a case of a lady who had in beliefAs Written:beleif inflammatoryAs Written:inflamitory rheumatism about a year ago, and in beliefAs Written:beleif settled in the wrist, leavingAs Written:leaveing it in a stiff condition, so that she is unable to move her wrist, I have taken the case up under the rules you have taught me, and have resorted to the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., but do not make any impression on her, I do not wish to give her up as she places all confidence in the ScianceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I seem to hear you say as I am writing, that a good Farmer cannot make a good Lawyer.

dear Pastor and Teacher; I do not think I could work harder or better than I am doingAs Written:doeing at the present time, if I am going to be rebuked: go on! Where have I erredAs Written:eered, and what have I not taken up in this case. I could say to the patient that I cannot heal her, but for the cause of truthEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. I do not wish to, until I find I can do no more. Mr Bertrim informs that you gave him a cabinet picture of yourself. I desire one also, and will send you one of mine in return, hopingAs Written:hopeing that you will never have to say that I ever betrayed you or the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.. I mean to press on higher and higher until the Veil of the Material Sense is rent only to open on the light of Immortality gleaming brightly on the shore of Eternity, to rise into that higher Life, whereAs Written:wher I can master all error, hopingAs Written:hopeing to hear from you I remain

Yours in Truth
JMC Murphy C.S.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Pardon me if I intrude on your time for a moment. I have a case of a lady who had in beleifCorrected:belief inflamitoryCorrected:inflammatory rheumatism about a year ago, and in beleifCorrected:belief settled in the wrist, leaveingCorrected:leaving it in a stiff condition, so that she is unable to move her wrist, I have taken the case up under the rules you have taught me, and have resorted to the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., but do not make any impression on her, I do not wish to give her up as she places all confidence in me the ScianceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I seem to hear you say as I am writing, that a good Farmer cannot make a good Lawyer.

dear Pastor and Teacher; I do not think I could work harder or better than I am doeingCorrected:doing at the present time, if I am going to be rebuked: go on! Where have I eeredCorrected:erred, and what have I not taken up in this case. I could say to the patient that I cannot heal her, but for the cause of truthEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. I do not wish to, until I find I can do no more. Mr Bertrim informs that you gave him a cabinet picture of yourself. I desire one also, and will send you one of mine in return, hopeingCorrected:hoping that you will never have to say that I betrayed ever betrayed you or the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.. I mean to press on and on higher and higher until the Veil of the Material Sense is rent only to open on the light of Immortality gleaming brightly on the shore of Eternity, to rise into that higher Life, wherCorrected:where I can master all error, hopeingCorrected:hoping to hear from you I remain

Yours in Truth
JMC Murphy C.S.
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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science The cause of Christian Science. The cause of Christian Science.