Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. reached me on Saturday and I answer at this earliest opportunity I have had since I have found it impossible to enter the class. The intelligence you communicate concerning the Church at Boston could not in any way affect me as I had on last Thursday night at the urgent solicitation of my congregation given them a promise to stay till the close of the year at least. They have given me the full privilege of speaking out what I understand in Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S– and I preach now as openly as I could in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts.
But for your personal instructions in class I would give a great deal, but still I have been hindered, yet I hope to have the benefit thereof. However I believe I can go on now, but it will be hard work. Mrs Stetson has never in any way persuaded me to leave, but for a while I did think that it was best give up the work, but I now see it otherwise..
Do you think by following the teachings of "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I can come to successful practice in healing? It grows; upon me day by day. I am glad to learn of your prospect for the extension As Written: xtension of your church. This is evidently my place. If you cannot answer the above question in letter which I cannot expect of you with so many demands upon your time, please answer it in the "Journal" if you think it worthy.
Thanking you for your past kindnesses and [*]Archival Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. blessing you for the Truth in your writings [*]Archival Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. I am
There is an eruption I occasionally feel well. I am fighting more earnestly than ever. I noticed my hand this morning and it showed evidence of approaching the surface. It is a great deal better.
I cannot bring my friend now, but I think he will enter class in the Autumn. He is a true man but a little impatient He thinks he ought to learn ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science as he learns Greek & Latin but he will see after a time that it is "first the blade, then the ear, then the ripe corn in the ear."Mark 4:28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. I shall enter upon a renewed fight against the flesh. It seems strange, but I have noticed, that as often as I determined to make no delay in obeying the voice of Truth I would get better and when I would try to defer I would get worse.
There is only one thing in the way now and that is the selling of my encyclopediaAs Written:encyclopaedia. It cost me $150Editorial Note: $150.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $4,323.99 in 2021. and I offer it at $100Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,882.66 in 2021.. You see I want to go. I can a thousand times better do without it than without understanding Christian Science. But God has led me and - (I see that he sent me here for my friend. He will be a host somedayAs Written:some day in the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.) and He will lead me on. I know He will prosper me in the spirit My wife is perfectly reconciled to my going and has been since she has been convinced by my preaching that it is God's way. Hoping by the grace of God to be sent to the work soon. I am yoursAs Written:yours' most gratefully. Mrs Waddell returns love to you.
Your brother in Christ