I received your noteEditorial Note: This note is not extant. yesterday enclosing postal note for which accept my thanks. I wrote to you on Tuesday somewhat fully, but while,– as I wrote - I cannot think of leaving these people, yet the more I think of staying even for a time only the more impossible it appears.
That we must separate I see is inevitable. Last night the elder whom I mentioned in my last tried to get me to say that I would not make any obligation to leave Leipsic, I told him I could not do that, and while as yet I felt under no obligation having not entertained any proposition to go elsewhere, that it was my duty to go to Boston and go through class and then if I saw it my duty to leave here I should be compelled to do so. He said that he had been considering the position and while some things impressed him more favorably than at first, others grew less favorable. Please tell me in a few words the position of Christian ScienceAs Written:C-S- in baptism and the Lords' supper- I think I know but I am not sure. If I am right I cannot remain where I am at all for as a people it is taught among us that immersion in water is essential to the remission of sins. For a long time I have seen that the kingdom of God is in word but in powerI Cor 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. and look on outward ordinances as only signs and symbols. Please tell me this. My wife says she cannot go with me the first time, but she is perfectly reconciled to going finally. she says she must go and see her mother; when I go to class. When she does go she wants to go to stay. My main objection to accepting any aid from the body of Christian ScientistsAs Written:C. Scientists. going through the course is this. I might not be the man for the place, and the acceptance would place me under obligations. However any aid I should accept if compelled to do so, would be received only on condition that at the earliest opportunity I should return it.