Accession: 350.47.002
Editorial Title: H. C. Waddell to Mary Baker Eddy, August 3, 1885
Author: H. C. Waddell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 3, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by H. C. Waddell on his printed stationery from Nicholasville, Kentucky.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mary: B. G. Eddy: Boston, MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
Dear Sister:

Yours very kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. reached me this afternoon for which I feel profoundly grateful. My conception of Our FatherEditorial Note: God being now so exalted it is useless to reward that already I appreciate the fraternal bonds uniting all who love Him, and already you seem to be no stranger.

I wrote to my wife this morning that "I am more and more and more convinced that mind cures and that Christian Science is true". Yesterday in my pulpit I urged the absolute necessity of a return to spiritual life as exhibited in the first century and remarked that already had I vowed to the Infinite God a ceaseless conflict with error of every form. That I longed to see the day when I could preach the gospel at my own expense depending not on the illiberal and narrow spirit of so-called Christians and that I had no doubt that God would open the way to it. My whole life now is colored with the harmonious aye glorious idea of God as Principle The world must come to this. It is the only hope of the race. Jesus of Nazareth is not understood because of the mythical and mythological dream of the FatherEditorial Note: God in the darkened understanding. I thirst to tell the Truth. How sublime to me is the Godhood of the New Testament. I see now how that the Giver of every good and perfect gift is leading me. Hearing already studied most of the so-called orthodox creeds, having read most systems of skepticism I find Christian Science The measuring reed by which all systems, and creeds are to be measured. But it is not my purpose to write to you what you have long since known only to show you how much I am possessed of the great Truth which has been restored through your teaching.

There is now before me a grander, higher, holier work than I did ever dream of. The world must know the Truth. I cannot confer with flesh and bloodGal 1:15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, Gal 1:16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:

My wife is in sympathy with me and God calls me to make known His Truth and Life and Love. Oh what a theme. To have the gift of healing and the understanding of Life as an evangelist to travel in the United States and preach the gospel in its fullness As Written: fulness and purity, sweeping error before it is the great desire of my heart. God has given me all the faculties of an orator and with such a grand Fountain from which to drink, thousands on thousands of perishing souls can be brought to the light. Truth is what I want. I cannot write so fully as I could speak to you. The knowledge I have of the bible is not lost, I have just torn the veil from its face and now understand the teachings thereof. Yet here is my situation. I am engaged to my congregation until January 1st. Debts contracted through sickness and the heavy expenses incurred through going to housekeeping for the first time last February cannot As Written: can not well be disbursed until that time, and then we will be only ready to begin accumulating something. So you see it would be impossible for me to enter the Class in September as I now look on these things. But I have this assurance God will guide me. To wait till next Summer seems a long procrastination but at present I cannot As Written: can not see how that it can be otherwise. My books could not if I were to sell them bring me more than $125.00Editorial Note: $125.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $3,333.48 in 2020. in this town notwithstanding they are worth $500Editorial Note: $500.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $13,333.92 in 2020. and for what property we could part with we could not realize very much. Our travelling expenses to Boston, and my expenses while there would be considerable and while I am willing to forsake all for Truth get these obstacles at present are indeed of much consequence.

Now I think we would act wisely in the meantime in following your advice by placing ourselves under one of your students and when cured God if it is for the best will show us a way. I earnestly hungering for understanding desire to lose no time. & If I were able I would be in Boston by September 1st, but He who has guided me into all this holy light will surely lead me on. My wife like myself As Written: my self is highly intuitional and would make I suppose a good student. she is but 22 yrs of age but in the spiritual life is far advanced and having decided gifts in music and painting she has learned somewhat of Truth through the afflictions of her life since childhood, for she has been a constant invalid. To heal the sick is the great desire of her heart and to preach and teach Christianity as it is in the New Testament and to practically demonstrate its Truth by healing is the prayer of my soul. I received the pamphlets you kindly sent me and I am devouring them. I understand from the Curriculum that I would be required to spend three weeks in Boston to take the Course am I correct? With profound gratitude for your most liberal offer to me and my wife, hoping yet by the favor of Our Common FatherEditorial Note: God to be a laborer with you in the grand cause of Christ Jesus and also to hear from you at your convenience

I am most respectfully and gratefully yours in the love of Truth
H. C. Waddell
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mary: B. G. Eddy: Boston, Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
Dear Sister:

Yours very kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. reached me this afternoon for which I feel profoundly grateful. My conception of Our FatherEditorial Note: God being now so exalted it is useless to reward that already I appreciate the fraternal bonds uniting all who love Him, and already you seem to be no stranger.

I wrote to my wife this morning that "I am more and more and more convinced that mind cures and that Christian Science is true". Yesterday in my pulpit I urged the absolute necessity of a return to spiritual life as exhibited in the first century and remarked that already had I vowed to the Infinite God a ceaseless conflict with error of every form. That I longed to see the day when I could preach the gospel at my own expense depending not on the illiberal and narrow spirit of so-called Christians and that I had no doubt that God would open the way to it. My whole life now is colored with the harmonious aye glorious idea of God as Principle The world must come to this. It is the only hope of the race. Jesus of Nazareth is not understood because of the mythical and mythological dream of the FatherEditorial Note: God in the darkened understanding. I thirst to tell the Truth. How sublime to me is the Godhood of the New Testament. I see now how that the Giver of every good and perfect gift is leading me. Hearing already studied most of the so-called orthodox creeds, having read most systems of skepticism I find Christian Science The measuring reed by which all systems, and creeds are to be measured. But it is not my purpose to write to you what you have long since known only to show you how much I am possessed of the great Truth which has been restored through your teaching.

There is now before me a grander, higher, holier work than I did ever dream of. The world must know the Truth. I cannot confer with flesh and bloodGal 1:15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, Gal 1:16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:

My wife is in sympathy with me and God calls me to make known His Truth and Life and Love. Oh what a theme. To have the gift of healing and the understanding of Life as an evangelist to travel in the United States and preach the gospel in its fulness Corrected: fullness and purity, sweeping error before it is the great desire of my heart. God has given me all the faculties of an orator and with such a grand Fountain from which to drink, thousands on thousands of perishing souls can be brought to the light. Truth is what I want. I cannot write so fully as I could speak to you. The knowledge I have of the bible is not lost, I have just torn the veil from its face and now understand the teachings thereof. Yet here is my situation. I am engaged to my congregation until January 1st. Debts contracted through sickness and the heavy expenses incurred through going to housekeeping for the first time last February can not Corrected: cannot well be disbursed until that time, and then we will be only ready to begin accumulating something. So you see it would be impossible for me to enter the Class in September as I now look on these things. But I have this assurance God will guide me. To wait till next Summer seems a long procrastination but at present I can not Corrected: cannot see how that it can be otherwise. My books could not if I were to sell them bring me more than $125.00Editorial Note: $125.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $3,333.48 in 2020. in this town notwithstanding they are worth $500Editorial Note: $500.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $13,333.92 in 2020. and for what property we could part with we could not realize very much. Our travelling expenses to Boston, and my expenses while there would be considerable and while I am willing to forsake all for Truth get these obstacles at present are indeed of much consequence.

Now I think we would act wisely in the meantime in following your advice and by placing ourselves under one of your students and when cured God if it is for the best will show us a way. I earnestly hungering for understanding desire to lose no time. & If I were able I would be in Boston by September 1st, but He who has guided me into all this holy light will surely lead me on. My wife like my self Corrected: myself is highly intuitional and would make I should suppose a good student. she is but 22 yrs of age but in the spiritual life is far advanced and having decided gifts in music and painting she has learned somewhat of Truth through the afflictions of her life since childhood, for she has been a constant invalid. To heal the sick is the great desire of her heart and to preach and teach Christianity as it is in the New Testament and to practically demonstrate its Truth by healing is the prayer of my soul. I received the pamphlets you kindly sent me and I am devouring them. I understand from the Curriculum that I would be required to spend three weeks in Boston to take the Course am I correct? With profound gratitude for your most liberal offer to me and my wife, hoping yet by the favor of Our Common FatherEditorial Note: God to be a laborer with you in the grand cause of Christ Jesus and also to hear from you at your convenience

I am most respectfully and gratefully yours in the love of Truth
H. C. Waddell
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This letter is not extant. God God $125.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $3,333.48 in 2020. $500.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $13,333.92 in 2020. God