Accession: 349A.47.010
Editorial Title: James Henry Wiggin to Mary Baker Eddy, July 1, 1888
Author: James Henry Wiggin 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 1, 1888
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by James Henry Wiggin on unlined paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

Though nearly midnight I wish to say that, after reading & rereading the articles brought by Mr. Frye this eve, I advise you first, to let the Loyalty article go in as Editorial, a department in which yourAs Written:yr admirers like to see your pen, & which is peculiarly adapted to articles so personal & friendly as Loyalty et ceteraAs Written:&c.

Second. As to the other articles, the disjointed letters et ceteraAs Written:&c., I seriously advise you never to let them go into print in any form; or if you cannotAs Written:can not see the wisdom of this advice now, I urge you to let the documents wait at least a month, or till you can ponder the matter rationally and coolly.

You have sometimes told me, what you say also in the Mrs. Crosse letter now brought me, that you wished people wouldAs Written:wd advise you personally. I therefore advise you thus directly: Don't allow yourself to be led into the printing of these articles. YourAs Written:Yr CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science cannotAs Written:can not afford it. There is trouble enough in yourAs Written:yr camp, & unwisdom shouldAs Written:shd not be allowed to aggravate it. Such documents will make outsiders laugh, while yourAs Written:yr judicious friends grieve.

Pardon my plain speech

YoursAs Written:Yrs respectfullyAs Written:resply
J. H. Wiggin

Please let me hear from you on these two points-

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

Though nearly midnight I wish to say that, after reading & rereading the articles brought by Mr. Frye this eve, I advise you first, to let the Loyalty article go in as Editorial, a department in which yrExpanded:your admirers like to see your pen, & which is peculiarly adapted to articles so personal & friendly as Loyalty &c.Expanded:et cetera

Second. As to the other articles, the disjointed letters &c.Expanded:et cetera, I seriously advise you never to let them go into print in any form; or if you can notCorrected:cannot see the wisdom of this advice now, at least I urge you to let the documents wait at least a month, or till you can ponder the matter rationally and coolly.

You have sometimes told me, what you say also in the Mrs. Crosse letter now brought me, that you wished people wdExpanded:would advise you personally. I therefore advise you thus directly: Don't allow yourself to be led into the printing of these articles. YrExpanded:Your CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science can notCorrected:cannot afford it. There is trouble enough in yrExpanded:your camp, & unwisdom shdExpanded:should not be allowed to aggravate it. Such documents will make outsiders laugh, while yrExpanded:your judicious friends grieve.

Pardon my plain speech res

YrsExpanded:Yours resplyExpanded:respectfully
J. H. Wiggin

P. S. If you need

Please let me hear from you on these two points-

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The cause of Christian Science