July 21st 1886
Yours of the 16th InstEditorial Note: See L09616. to hand last night–
I called at Swartz Office this P. M. & a young lady clerk, the only person there, informed me that Mrs Plunkett was at 149 McDougall As Written: Mc' Dougal st As Written: th – Detroit–
By a little questioning, I ascertained that Mrs Hopkins in connection with Mrs P- had commenced a class at the Sherman House, here, on the 18th Inst; that Mrs P- had had the management of it, but was now gone east- She did not know whether she would return this month or not–
This seems to be all I can ascertain–
From a description I have heard about Mrs P's cleverness, I surmised she might be the person– only this, and nothing more–
The lady after presenting credentials (à-la-RosicrucianismAs Written:Rosicru) said she represented the parties who had called upon me before– that the moment I accepted their conditions all disguise would cease– I had not seen any of the parties before or since– only I described them to you, & much as I desired to oblige you, I could not attempt to recognize As Written: recognise them before giving them a definite answer, for my promise was given to let them alone–
Sub rosaEditorial Note: This Latin phrase indicates secrecy or confidentiality. – She said their hostility had been, because, they thought you knew more than you would convey; & now as they had hopes of obtaining the information otherwise, all feeling had died out –– She said much more it would interest you to know, but I cannot write it– Believe me
Yours very respectfully