Accession: 345.47.004
Editorial Title: Elizabeth J. French to Mary Baker Eddy, December 6, 1886
Author: Elizabeth J. French 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 6, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Elizabeth J. French on the lined printed stationery of the Lindell Hotel, from St. Louis, Missouri.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Both of your most welcome lettersEditorial Note: These letters are not extant I found at this Hotel this morning when I reached here having been forwarded here from MinneapolisEditorial Note: Minneapolis, Minnesota, & you may well know my consternation when I read that Mrs E J French was reported as having gone As Written: gon back on her Teacher Mrs Eddy whom As Written: whome I have a great kindness for & whose reputation I have & ever will defend against the malicious As Written: malisious falsehoods As Written: faulshoods I have heard, No Dear your inmost Soul tells you that I could never, do aught than Love & Admire you No matter what this As Written: ths might bring, I have with all the force of Speech & Dignity of WomanhoodAs Written:Woman hood denied as false As Written: faulse the many As Written: may things that many have & are saying about & against Mrs Eddy; I shall never so far forget my self-respectAs Written:self respect - as to insult you with the miserable As Written: misserably lies these pretenders make to cover their own wickedness, As I always As Written: alway Say My Dear Mrs Eddy is A lovely Character A sympathetic womanly Woman; & her last & ending words to Both Classes I attended were "do not make an Oracle of Me" Besides I have told all to send for your Books As Written: Book's ; I had 3 classes that were under Mrs Hopkins and Mrs Plunket, All said How very different was the teachings & how much better they understood, In that they nearly all if As Written: in not all said they could not do anything in cure after the other But were doing good cures, "& Now Dear here As Written: hear is what I told 2 or 3 that asked me if I thought Mrs Eddy would admit them into the Normal class if they went on to the next Normal & I told them "No" not until As Written: untill they had Demonstrated for some months or one year & then they would have to satisfy Mrs Eddy of their efficacy As Written: efficency ; Now Dear was I not right Please do tell me for I do not want to do or say one thing that is not true. & All to whom As Written: whome I have Spoken or taught Have said O how glad we are to hear you speak so lovely of Mrs Eddy, &c Dear Mrs Plunkett takes each class & tells them how it hurts her to be compelled As Written: compeled to talk of Mrs Eddy as she is but she goes and says you will hear all Sorts of things Mrs E says of us She is so jealous of Mrs Hopkins &c Simply ridiculous As Written: rediculas & nothing else; I start to Los AngelsEditorial Note: Los Angeles, California at 9 o'clockAs Written:o clock inthe morning of the 8th Dec Please Address simply Los Angels Cal, to me & I will get it I am so glad you sent the certificate about Mrs Hopkins for she has told all these people & many of them believe it, "that She Assisted you in teaching" Also that she was for 3 years the Editor of the Journal But wheneverAs Written:when ever I hear it I shall produce this certificate, & Now Dear remember if you will stop one moment to think your own pure intuitions will correct & contradict all assertions that is not strictly Lovely & Good of you, God bless in the future as in the past & preserve your As Written: you Dear life with us [?] Unclear or illegible .

Yours As Written: You in a faith that has no Death
E J French
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Both of your most welcome lettersEditorial Note: These letters are not extant I found at this Hotel this morning when I reached here having been forwarded here from MinneapolisEditorial Note: Minneapolis, Minnesota, & you may well know my consternation when I read that Mrs E J French was reported as having gon Corrected: gone back on her Teacher Mrs Eddy whome Corrected: whom I have a great kindness for & whose reputation I have & ever will defend against the malisious Corrected: malicious faulshoods Corrected: falsehoods I have heard, No Dear your inmost Soul tells you that I could never, do aught than Love & Admire you No matter what ths Corrected: this might bring, I have with all the force of Speech & Dignity of Woman hoodCorrected:Womanhood denyied as faulse Corrected: false the may Corrected: many things that many have & are saying about & against Mrs Eddy; I shall never so far forget my self respectCorrected:self-respect - as to insult you with the misserably Corrected: miserable lies these pretenders make to cover their own wickedness, [?] Unclear or illegible  As I alway Corrected: always Say My Dear Mrs Eddy is A lovely Character A sympathetic womanly Woman; & her last & ending words to Both Classes I attended were "do not make an Oracle of Me" Besides I have told all to send for your Book's Corrected: Books ; I had 3 classes that were under Mrs Hopkins and Mrs Plunket, All said How very different was the teachings & how much better they understood, In that they nearly all in Corrected: if not all said they could not do anything in cure after the other But were doing good cures, "& Now Dear hear Corrected: here is what I told 2 or 3 that asked me if I thought Mrs Eddy would admit them into the Normal class if they went on to the next Normal & I told them "No" not untill Corrected: until they had Demonstrated for some months or one year & then they would have to satisfy Mrs Eddy of their efficency Corrected: efficacy ; Now Dear was I not right Please do tell me for I do not want to do or say one thing that is not true. & All to whome Corrected: whom I have Spoken or taught Have said O how glad we are to hear you speak so lovely of Mrs Eddy, &c Dear Mrs Plunkett takes each class & tells them how it hurts her to be compeled Corrected: compelled to talk of Mrs Eddy as she is but she goes and says you will hear all Sorts of things Mrs E says of us She is so jealous of Mrs Hopkins &c Simply rediculas Corrected: ridiculous & nothing else; I start to Los AngelsEditorial Note: Los Angeles, California at 9 o clockCorrected:o'clock am inthe morning of the 8th Dec Please Address simply Los [?] Unclear or illegible Angels Cal, to me & I will get it I am so glad you sent the certificate about Mrs Hopkins [?] Unclear or illegible  for she has told all these people & many of them believe it, "that She Assisted you in teaching" Also that she was for 3 years the Editor of the Journal But when everCorrected:whenever I hear it I shall produce this certificate, & Now Dear remember if you will stop one moment to think your own pure intuitions will correct & contradict all assertions that is not strictly Lovely & Good of you, God bless in the future as in the past & preserve you Corrected: your Dear life with us [?] Unclear or illegible .

You Corrected: Yours in a faith that has no Death
E J French
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These letters are not extant Minneapolis, Minnesota Los Angeles, California