Accession: 345.47.003
Editorial Title: Elizabeth J. French to Mary Baker Eddy, November 25, 1886
Author: Elizabeth J. French 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 25, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Elizabeth J. French on lined paper from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Archival Note: The last part of this letter appears to be missing.
Related Topic: 344.47.029Digital document 344.47.029 not available, 020A.09.017Digital document 020A.09.017 not available
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dearly Beloved Teacher

I have been here for 2 weeks & more & I found such a condition of Mal practice & Mal teaching that which they called Christian Science, Mind Cure, Anamal Magnatism that I was astounded beyond measure; & when I was told that 2 of the teachersEditorial Note: Emma Curtis Hopkins and Mary H. Plunkett claimed to have been associated with you & one of them said she had Edited for you the Science Journal for more than 3 years. Now Dear teacher I had tried not to write you all this But feel after all I have seen & heard; that it is my duty As Written: dutey to inform you of existing conditions. But at the same time I know only what these people good folk say of the above. I without saying more took this position, that Dear Mrs Eddy never taught any such doctrine As Written: doctrin as these say. She only teaches Bible truths & gives the most clear understanding to all her class; & that I did not personally As Written: personaly know eitherAs Written:eithr Mrs Hopkins or Plunket but I did know that the things these people tell me are taught & done by them was not Christian Science. & Many

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dearly Beloved Teacher

I have been here for 2 weeks & more & I found such a condition of Mal practice & Mal teaching that which they called Christian Science, Mind Cure, Anamal Magnatism that I was astounded beyond measure; & when I was told that 2 of the teachersEditorial Note: Emma Curtis Hopkins and Mary H. Plunkett claimed to have been associated with you & one of them said she had Edited for you the Science Journal for more than 3 years. Now Dear teacher I had tried not to write you all this But feel after all I have seen & heard; that it is my dutey Corrected: duty to inform you of existing conditions. But at the same time I know only what these people good folk say of the [?] Unclear or illegible  above. I without saying more took this position, that Dear Mrs Eddy never taught any such doctrin Corrected: doctrine as these say. She only teaches Bible truths & gives the most clear understanding to all her class; & that I did not personaly Corrected: personally know eithrCorrected:either Mrs Hopkins or Plunket but I did know that the y things these people tell me are taught & done by them was not Christian Science. & Many

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Emma Curtis Hopkins and Mary H. Plunkett