Accession: 344.47.029
Editorial Title: Emma A. Thompson to Mary Baker Eddy, November 30, 1886
Author: Emma A. Thompson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 30, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emma A. Thompson on lined paper from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
Related Topic: 020A.09.017Digital document 020A.09.017 not available, 344.47.030Digital document 344.47.030 not available, 345.47.003Click link to view 345.47.003 document in new window, 345.47.004Digital document 345.47.004 not available, 345.47.005Digital document 345.47.005 not available
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Respected Teacher

I beg pardon for the liberty taken and the intrusion heretoforeAs Written:here to fore, but I do not think you quite understand the conditions on things here, for certainly you must be deceived in Mrs. French's designs she is no friend to you I well know you would be shocked at her doings here. she upholds Mrs. Root. and is doing her best to harm you. she tried her best to take Mrs. Moore and myself away from you I dare not give any details or attempt to explain her evil doings it will take too As Written: to long letter and you have forbidden that but do I beg of you listen to Mr. & Mrs. Moore for I think you ought to know this in order to protect yourself Mrs. Moore is a true ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist and stood by you heroically and all I can say when you see her do allow her to tell what she has been an eyewitnessAs Written:eye witness to here. do you know Mrs. French is a founder of Christian Science? She certainly must be connected with Mrs. Root I do most sincerely hope that woman will be expired people here are thoroughly disgusted with her. some here think she is insane for her teachings how mixed she has got them well muddled now, stopped all sale of your books so far as she could and advertises one she is writing will be out in one year. she uses a small book quite different from yours. in her class.

but I'll not write more

Respectfully Yours.
E. A. Thompson
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyFrench's story.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Respected Teacher

I beg pardon for the liberty taken and the intrusion here to foreCorrected:heretofore, but I do not think you quite understand the conditions on things here, for certainly you must be deceived in Mrs. French's designs she is no friend to you I well know you would be shocked at her doings here. she upholds Mrs. Root. and is doing her best to harm you. she tried her best to take Mrs. Moore and myself away from you I dare not give any details or attempt to explain her evil doings it will take to Corrected: too long letter and you have forbidden that but do I beg of you listen to Mr. & Mrs. Moore for I think you ought to know this in order to protect yourself Mrs. Moore is a true ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist and stood by you heroically and all I can say when you see her do allow her to tell what she has been an eye witnessCorrected:eyewitness to here. do you know Mrs. French is a founder of Christian Science? She certainly must be connected with Mrs. Root I do most sincerely hope that woman will be expired people here are thoroughly disgusted with her. some here think she is insane for her teachings how mixed she has got them well muddled now, stopped all sale of your books so far as she could and advertises one she is writing will be out in one year. she uses a small book quite different from yours. in her class.

but I'll not write more

Respectfully Yours.
E. A. Thompson
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyFrench's story.
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