Accession: 341.46.002
Editorial Title: Bicknell Young to Mary Baker Eddy, July 16, 1903
Author: Bicknell Young 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 16, 1903
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Bicknell Young on his unlined printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois. The envelope is included.
Archival Note: The envelope includes a notation in Mary Baker Eddy’s handwriting.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

Having received from the Christian Science Board of Directors, through Mr. Johnson, a notice of my appointment as a member of the Board of Lectureship, I venture to infringe upon your precious time to thank you for this mark of confidence. I desire in this work and in all ways to be useful to our CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., the Cause of God on earth, which you have so grandly and so nobly established through untold labor and self-sacrifice and which your inspired teachings show must be maintained through loving humility and righteousness on the part of those who have named the name of Christian Science.

Respectfully and gratefully yours,
Bicknell Young


Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy

Concord. New HampshireAs Written:N. H.

New HampshireAs Written:N. H.
JUL 17 1903
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyBicknell
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

Having received from the Christian Science Board of Directors, through Mr. Johnson, a notice of my appointment as a member of the Board of Lectureship, I venture to infringe upon your precious time to thank you for this mark of confidence. I desire in this work and in all ways to be useful to our CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., the Cause of God on earth, which you have so grandly and so nobly established through untold labor and self-sacrifice and which your inspired teachings show must be maintained through loving humility and righteousness on the part of those who have named the name of Christian Science.

Respectfully and gratefully yours,
Bicknell Young


Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy

Concord. N. H.Expanded:New Hampshire

N. H.Expanded:New Hampshire
JUL 17 1903
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyBicknell
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Chicago, Illinois The cause of Christian Science.